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2 NEWS READING Anish Kapoor’s “Dirty Corner” sculpture at the Palace of Versailles is the latest piece of art to cause offense in France, after Paul McCarthy’s infamous “Tree” installation in Paris triggered outrage last year for resembling an enormous butt-plug. The sculpture is part of a broader exhibition of Kapoor’s art on display at the Palace of Versailles, which selects  a contemporary artist to show his or her work on the palace grounds each year. Even though the exhibition won’t be officially opened to the public until June 9, Kapoor’s “Dirty Corner” installation – a massive rusted steel funnel set among a bed of rocks – has already stirred much controversy in France amid speculation that it represents a woman’s vagina. And not just any vagina: Marie-Antoinette’s, to be precise. Kapoor fuelled debate over the piece’s significance after describing it as “the vagina of a queen who takes power” in an interview published last month in French weekly Le Journal du Dimanche.

3 NEWS READING But the artist took a step back from his past comments on Friday, telling journalists at the Palace of Versailles that the sculpture was open to interpretation "Inevitably, one comes across the body, our bodies and a certain level of sexuality," Kapoor said. “But it is certainly not the only thing it is about.” The mayor of Versailles, François de Mazières, who is a member of the conservative Les Républicains party (formerly known as the UMP), expressed his disapproval of the work in a tweet, while Robert Ménard, the far-right mayor of the town of Béziers, said that “it disfigures our heritage” Others, however, have applauded Kapoor. French daily Le Parisien described the artist as a “provocative genius”, while the newspaper Le Figaro said that his “spectacular and unexpected” sculptures were sure to draw even more people to the Palace of Versailles, already one of the world’s most visited monuments. The exhibition “Kapoor Versailles” opens to the public on June 9 and will run until November 1.

4 Comprehension What is the name given to sculpture and where is this sculpture placed ? What is the name of the artist who made the sculpture? Describe the sculpture? When was the sculpture open for public? What was the controversy about ?

5 Vocabulary Vexes Triggered Outraged Fuelled Contemporary
Vexes-vex somebody (old-fashioned or formal) to annoy or worry somebody Eg:The memory of their conversation still vexed him. trigger (for something) trigger (to something/to do something) something that is the cause of a particular reaction or development, especially a bad one Eg:The trigger for the strike was the closure of yet another factory. outrage-a strong feeling of shock and anger Eg: The judge's remarks caused public outrage. fuelled-a thing that is said or done that makes something, especially an argument, continue or get worse Eg:His remarks simply added fuel to the fire/flames of her rage contemporary (with somebody/something) belonging to the same time Eg:We have no contemporary account of the battle 

6 Writing Make sentences on : 1)A piece of art 2)Triggered outrage
3)To take a step back

7 Conversation What is your opinion about this controversy behind a piece of art? What would be your reaction on seeing such an controversial piece of art in a public place ? Have you any time visited such a controversial piece of art ? Do you think such a piece of art can “ disfigure our heritage”?

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