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Production status – christmas processing

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1 Production status – christmas processing
7/01/2013 ALICE Offline

2 Reprocessing of MC cycles with fixed label=0
Old cycle Type Centrality Status (requestor) Priority New cycle LHC12a17a,b,c Hadronic charm Pb-Pb 0-10(a) 10-50(b) 50-90(c) approved (HF) done, waiting for QA (HF) not yet approved 3 2 LHC12a17b_fix LHC12a17d,e,f Electrons Pb-Pb 0-10(d) 10-50(e) 50-90(f) 99 LHC12a17g,h,i J/psi Pb-Pb 0-10(g) 10-50(h) 50-90(i) approved (DQ) LHC12g4b DPMJET p-A Config.C faulty (pA TF) 1 LHC12g4b_fix LHC12g1 p-A done (pA TF) LHC12g1_fix

3 Other MC productions Cycle Type Status (requestor) Priority LHC12i4a
Phi for Low Mass dimuon Pb-Pb done (DQ) 4 LHC12i4b OMEGA for Low Mass dimuon Pb-Pb LHC12i6 LHC11a TeV (Pythia) p-p done (LF) LHC12i5(a,b) Starlight events p-p done (UD) LHC12i2 minbias AMPT with added signals Pb-Pb waiting for QA (GA) 3

4 RAW data processing #38130: VPass for LHC12h – 226 runs, done
Re-CPass0/CPass1 of LHC12i - done

5 RAW data reconstruction strategy for LHC13a p-A

6 Reconstruction passes (1)
Immediate reconstruction of Calorimeter and Muon data Similar to LHC12h, LHC12i Using trigger alias kPhysME No prior calibration necessary Fast reconstruction – mid-sized run is ready for analysis ~5 hours after data taking Independent on data taking/trigger cluster Small output ~2% of RAW, including ESDs, AODs and QA

7 Reconstruction passes (2)
Standard CPass0/CPass1 Using trigger aliases kCalibOuter/kCalibBarrel Ready ~24 hours after data taking Output – calibration objects and QA There are sufficient CPUs to run both (1) and (2) in parallel

8 Reconstruction passes (3)
VPass (adhering to current calibration schema) At the end of period One week after the end of last run – following period of manual calibration and changes of code (if needed) On 10% of RAW Output – ESDs, AODs and QA

9 Reconstruction passes (4)
Full pass (adhering to current calibration schema) At the end of period One week after the end VPass – following QA only If any of the calibration or code requires changes, then another VPass Output – ESDs, AODs and QA

10 Reconstruction passes (5)
p-A period – two reconstructions Same job (more efficient) Two separate jobs (less chances of interference) Reconstruction of ‘FAST’ cluster, no SDD Based on trigger alias Reconstruction of ‘ALL’ cluster Two separate ESDs/AOD and QA(?)

11 largely change during run
detector ALL CENT FAST MUON pp 130 kHz V0 350 kHz pp 60kHz V0 160 kHz T0, V0 ZDC 120 - ACO EMC ? 320 420 move to FAST? FMD 220 PHO 850 SDD 1000 SPD SSD 260 remove from MUON? HMP 250 TOF TPC 650 400 to be 300 us at MEB=4 TRD 50 MCH 500 200 largely change during run MTR 160 PMD From trigger coordination: Ken Oyama/Evgeny Kryshen

12 Reconstruction passes (6)
Possible extensions/changes Manual TPC calibration to fix integrated-luminosity dependent distortion of space points within part of the acceptance: ~-0.3<eta<0. Fast reconstruction after CPass0/CPass1 – shortening of the QA and manual upgrades strategy (if possible)

13 Related tasks/reports
 #38981: Strategy for RAW data reconstruction of period LHC13a (p-A) #99650: Trigger aliases for RAW data reconstruction of p-A data (LHC13a) #99651: Vpass and production pass strategy for p-A period LHC13a #99665: Crash in Stage5 merging of pA LHC12g1_fix due to TPCQA wagon #99666: Crash in Stage5 merging of LHC12i2 due to TRDQA wagon #99670: Increased virtual memory after the "Label 0 fix“ #99671: porting merging fix for new output structure TPC calib

14 Preparation  Bug fixes (if done) related to QA/Calibration can be checked in full pass of LHC12h Highly desirable MC (Label=0) memory fragmentation fix can be checked with Pb-Pb MC, next cycle is LHC12a17a_fix (central 0-10%) Reconstruction strategy and trigger aliases should be clarified and prepared asap Additional input from PWG-PP needed

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