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Reinforcement Exercises Chapter 13

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1 Reinforcement Exercises Chapter 13
Federalism Analogies Reinforcement Exercises Chapter 13

2 Number 1 The US Constitution is to federal supremacy as the ___________________ is to our state supremacy.

3 Number 2 The US Congress is to the federal government as the ___________________ is to our state government.

4 Number 3 The President is to the federal government as the ___________________ is to our state government.

5 Number 4 The US Supreme Court is to the federal government as the ___________________ is to our state government.

6 Number 5 The Vice President is to the federal government as the ___________________ is to our state government.

7 Number 6 The federal District Courts are to the federal government as the ___________________ are to our state government.

8 Number 7 Washington, D.C. is to the federal government as ___________________ is to our state government.

9 Number 8 Marbury v. Madison is to the federal government as ___________________ is to our state government.

10 Number 9 July 4, 1776 is to the federal government as ___________________ is to our state government.

11 Number 10 1787 is to the federal government as ______________ is to our state government.

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