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A big thank you to everyone that has provided feedback!

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1 A big thank you to everyone that has provided feedback!
Karen Malone – Bedford Borough Council A big thank you to everyone that has provided feedback!

2 Bedfordshire Autism Self Assessment 2016 Questionnaire Responses
We received 16 completed questionnaire's. To obtain your views on how you feel the Local Authorities and Health are meeting and planning for your needs.

3 What you said Nearly 70% of people felt that the Council did not take into account their views in the planning of services for people with Autism. Of those who answered 'No' 75% did not provide any additional comments. Of the 4 people that did comment 2 felt that there was a lack of consideration given to individuals views ,1 felt that Councils were beginning to understand but have a long way to go to meet the needs of those with Autism and 1 felt that the Council’s set the bar too high to reach eligibility.

4 What you said Over 56% of people felt that that they are not getting the support they need for daily living and to do the things that they want to do. Of those who answered 'No' 75% did not provide any additional comments. Of those people who commented 1 felt they had to lean on others for representation because of the complexity of accessing customer services and the terminology they use, 1 felt hopeful that services were going to improve in the future, 1 felt they had full support from Autism Bedfordshire, 1 felt the complexity around PIPs and Universal Credit caused anxiety and apprehension and 1 felt that they had very smooth support with additional support if required.

5 What you said Over 56% of people felt that information on health and social care for people with Autism was not easy to find. Of those that answered 'No' 75% did not provide any additional comments. Of the four people that commented 1 felt that there was not enough information of social and support workers, advocacy, enablement & housing Associations, 1 felt that information and support was provided by Autism Bedfordshire, 1 felt there wasn’t enough information available in the workplace and 1 felt a general booklet would be useful.

6 What you said What could be done to give people with Autism better access to public services such as colleges, universities, libraries and public transport? Nearly 63% of people responded with comments that included 8 out of the 10 people saying its about training and awareness. 1 person stated better transport links in rural areas . 1 person said more information being made available in wider public places.

7 What you said Have you ever assisted someone with Autism to ask for help with housing or employment? Nearly 63% of people had not assisted someone with Autism to ask for help with housing or employment. Of those that had commented 1 did not find the process easy and was told they could not have a council property. 1 person felt there should be a specific person to help for housing and employment support. 1 person felt that the Council had not met housing needs as they had not addressed their sensory impairment. 1 person felt that the key was to have autism awareness training.

8 What you said ‘Istories’ 8 people wrote ‘Istories’.
1 person discussed the impact that a reduction in PA hours is having on their wellbeing. 1 person covered their poor experience with their GP in the lack of recognition. 1 person covered the importance of social groups and their enjoyment of being part of it. 1 person covered housing and their concerns with the terminology that was used. 1 person covered the need for external accreditation before award of ‘ disability friendly’ organisations. 1 person covered their diagnosis of Autism and Mental illness and the difficulties they are experiencing with the Community Mental Health Team through a lack of support. 1 person covered the employment support they have received to secure a local job. 1 person covered their level of support through volunteering and the positive impact this is having on their self esteem.

9 ‘TAPB’ table discussions - 18th October 2016
What you said ‘TAPB’ table discussions - 18th October 2016 5 Facilitated table discussions at the TAPB: How to boost engagement from key stakeholders in the planning and delivery of services. More useful information with all people (seen and unseen) receiving the support they need, including housing. How to boost engagement and get more people involved in the work of the TAPB. Clear communication with services tailored to meet the individual needs of people with Autism and a more joined up approach between health and social care, including with housing. Meeting the housing and accommodation needs of people with Autism and ensuring that reasonable adjustments are made to accommodate the needs of people with Autism through training and awareness.

10 How are we going to use all your feedback?
The issues you raise will be collated into themes. Facilitated table discussions around the themes will be a standard part of the TAPB going forward. Regular feedback will be given to you so you know how we are using the information and how we are working towards improving your experience of health and social care planning.

11 Thank you, any questions?

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