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Class News Dosbarth Penfro a Dosbarth Cleddau Class Information

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1 Class News Dosbarth Penfro a Dosbarth Cleddau Class Information
Week Ending: Friday 22nd September Annwyl Rhieni/ Dear Parents, This week, in Dosbarth Penfro and Dosbarth Cleddau we have been doing some place value with 4 digit numbers comparing them using < and > also adding and subtracting several numbers looking at number patterns and pairs that can help to add and subtract more easily . We have enjoyed writing about all the activities carried out during our Wow day and how these will help us with our topic In literacy we have been learning about how to write a recount in the past tense and how to up level our sentences. We have also been practising our Big Dragon digestive system dance ready for our whole school celebration today and hope that the weather is kind to us. Class Information Many thanks to all parents who attended our year 4 parents meeting this week. If you were unable to attend and have any queries please catch one of us at the end end of the school day. Letters have also come home this week to inform you about after school clubs. For this week only there will be no clubs on TUESDAY. All of the other clubs will be on days indicated on the letter. Please send in named PE kit as PE is on a Tuesday and a Friday and will take place whatever the weather. Home Learning Please remember to read school reading books and sign the yellow reading record. Spellings will be sent home on Monday and tested the following week. This terms homework tasks were sent home last week if you have any questions about the grid please pop in to speak to us. Also don’t forget you can follow us on #penfro #cleddau #¥4 Hope you have a lovely weekend                          Mrs. Crowe and Miss Bale 

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