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Measurement of track length and time-of-flight hypothesis

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1 Measurement of track length and time-of-flight hypothesis
Sylwester Radomski, GSI ALICE Off-line week CERN, March 7, 2003 Measurement of track length and time-of-flight hypothesis in central ALICE detectors Sylwester Radomski GSI, Darmstadt Y. Foka, Y. Belikov, K. Safarik

2 Sylwester Radomski, GSI
ALICE Off-line week CERN, March 7, 2003 Introduction Measurement of the time-of-flight is a method of particle type identification. It is used in the momentum range where energy loss do not give sufficient information. Time-of-flight is measured by TOF detector Hypothetical time calculated during tracking length and momentum calculated for the geometry mass – from particle type hypothesis (each track have 5 h-tof) Then times are compared and likehood are assigned to hypothesis This work concentrate on measurement of hypothetical time by tracking in ITS, TPC and TRD

3 Implementation Central part implemented in AliKalmanTrack
Sylwester Radomski, GSI ALICE Off-line week CERN, March 7, 2003 Implementation Central part implemented in AliKalmanTrack start time, measure length and time for 5 hypothesis AddStep called by tracker TPC & TRD : connect filtered point with predicted point ITS : connect measured points linear approximation TPC -> ITS -> Vertex (start time) -> ITS -> TPC -> TRD Analysis on the Reference Planes (set of macros written) only tracks with prolongation in all detectors are used

4 Simulations Performance was investigated by simulations
Sylwester Radomski, GSI ALICE Off-line week CERN, March 7, 2003 Simulations Performance was investigated by simulations 4 events with GeVSim pt ~ (1, 2, 3) GeV, eta <-0.9, 0.9> pt = ( ) GeV, eta <-0.9, 0.9> (protons only) 4 000 particles: e-, e+, pi+, pi-, K+, K- , p, p- TPC full simulation and reconstruction (Y.B) TRD full simulation and reconstruction ITS fast simulation

5 Tracking Efficiency Sylwester Radomski, GSI ALICE Off-line week
CERN, March 7, 2003 Tracking Efficiency TPC in (4544) Fake = 39 e e (949) mu mu (976) pi pi (942) K K (710) (dacays) p p (929) ITS in (3663) Fake = 84 e e (756) [0.80] mu mu (780) [0.79] pi pi (750) [0.79] K K (587) [0.82] p p (707) [0.76] TRD in (2910) Fake = 81 e e (598) [0.79] mu mu (690) [0.88] pi pi (597) [0.79] K K (424) [0.72] (decays) p p (520) [0.73]

6 Length Resolution RMS = 1.7 mm, 1 mm, 0.7 mm 1 mm – 3 ps
Sylwester Radomski, GSI ALICE Off-line week CERN, March 7, 2003 Length Resolution RMS = 1.7 mm, 1 mm, 0.7 mm 1 mm – 3 ps

7 Time Resolution Sylwester Radomski, GSI ALICE Off-line week
CERN, March 7, 2003 Time Resolution

8 Time Resolution Resolutions: 1 GeV 2 GeV 3 GeV
Sylwester Radomski, GSI ALICE Off-line week CERN, March 7, 2003 Time Resolution Resolutions: 1 GeV 2 GeV 3 GeV electrons 4.8 ps 2.1 ps 1.7 ps pions 5.6 ps ps 1.5 ps kaons ps 8.9 ps 4.1 ps proton ps ps ps

9 Theoretical estimation
Sylwester Radomski, GSI ALICE Off-line week CERN, March 7, 2003 Theoretical estimation Preliminary estimation for protons resolution limited by momentum resolution Estimation of error using error-propagation-method This yield to estimate dependence

10 Resolution protons Sylwester Radomski, GSI ALICE Off-line week
CERN, March 7, 2003 Resolution protons

11 Is it enough ? Kaon-Proton Pion-Kaon Proton Kaon Pions
Sylwester Radomski, GSI ALICE Off-line week CERN, March 7, 2003 Is it enough ? Kaon-Proton Pion-Kaon Proton Kaon Pions

12 Summary Track length and time hypothesis measurement implemented
Sylwester Radomski, GSI ALICE Off-line week CERN, March 7, 2003 Summary Track length and time hypothesis measurement implemented Full chain (TPC, ITS, TPC, TRD) in operation Track length measurement precise enough – no correction for helix Time resolution understood, limited by momentum resolution Resolution sufficiently good ALICE NOTE written – close to release

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