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Abruzzo Green Region of Europe

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1 Abruzzo Green Region of Europe
WHY? Abruzzo is considered the Region of biodiversity and the Region of Parks with 30 % of its territory subject to environmental protection.

2 An extraordinary natural patrimony
3 National Parks: the National Park of Abruzzo the National Park of Gran Sasso and Laga the National Park of Maiella 1 Regional Park: the Regional Park of Velino-Sirente More than 30 Reserves and Natural Oases.

3 The National Park of Abruzzo
The National Park of Abruzzo was established by a Royal decree on 1923. Its present-day area of hectares includes 22 towns.

4 Established in 1992, the National Park of Gran Sasso and Laga spreads over an area of hectares and envelops the chains of the Gran Sasso (Big Stone) and the Laga Mountains.

5 The National Park of Maiella
The National Park of Maiella was established in 1992 and covers about hectares of territory. It envelops the chain of the Maiella mountain.

6 The Regional Park of Velino-Sirente
The Park of Velino-Sirente was established in Its territory, that includes mount Velino and the massif of Sirente, covers an area of hectares.

7 The flora Abruzzo National and Regional Parks offer an extremely valuable patrimony of vegetation.

8 The woods are made up of:
beeches, oaks, hollies, black and mountain pines, various species of maple, mountain ashes, shrubs , etc.

9 The Parks’ wildlife is varied and is represented by uncommon species, such as:
The fauna The Appennine Wolf

10 the Marsican brown bear
the chamois of Abruzzo the wild cat, the wild boar, squirrels, foxes , etc.

11 Among the birds of prey we can point out:
the peregrine hawk, the goshawk, the golden eagle, the eagle-owl, the lanner falcon, etc.

12 Abruzzo Parks also have a precious patrimony of enchanted towns and ancient monuments

13 Environment and Development
Abruzzo National and Regional Parks show how to preserve the environment without slowing the development and, at the same time, achieve socio-economic benefits for both local people and for the entire community.

14 For this reason, Abruzzo has become a reference model for Europe in the field of environmental safeguarding.

15 SEE YOU IN ABRUZZO in February 2010
Scuola Secondaria di primo grado “D’Annunzio-Romani”, Roseto degli Abruzzi, Italy

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