Manipulator Dynamics Lagrange approach Newton-Euler approach

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Presentation on theme: "Manipulator Dynamics Lagrange approach Newton-Euler approach"— Presentation transcript:

1 Manipulator Dynamics Lagrange approach Newton-Euler approach
Hamiltonian approach

2 Lagrange dynamics The Lagrangian, “L”, of any system is defined as:
(1) where:

3 Lagrangian Dynamics for 2-Link Manipulator
The Lagrangian, “L”, of any system is defined as:

4 Lagrange dynamics Furthermore, we have:

5 Lagrange Equation

6 Two-link manipulator

7 Kinetic energy of n-1 link

8 Potential energy of link-1
potential energy of link-1 can be presented as:

9 kinetic energy of link-2

10 Lagrangian dynamics of 2-link manipulator (cont)

11 Lagrangian dynamics of 2-link manipulator
Kinetic energy of link – 2 is:

12 Lagrangian dynamics of 2-link manupulator
Potential energy of link 2 is: P2 = - m2gd1C1 – m2gd2C12 where C1 = cos (θ1) C12 = cos(θ1 + θ2)

13 Total kinetic and potential energy
Kinetic energy: K= K1 + K2

14 Total potential energy
Potential energy: P1 + P2

15 Lagrangian of the system
L = K – P

16 Lagrange dynamics

17 Lagrange dynamics

18 Torque T1

19 Link 2

20 Torque T2

21 Torques - interpretation

22 Torques


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