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1 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers.
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3 Interpret circle graphs
Objective Interpret circle graphs Example 3-3b

4 A visual display that compares parts of a whole
Vocabulary Circle graph A visual display that compares parts of a whole Example 3-3b

5 Example 1 Interpret Circle Graphs Example 2 Interpret Circle Graphs
Lesson 3 Contents

6 Answer: The method of transportation most students use is the bus.
TRANSPORTATION The circle graph shows which method of transportation students use to get to Martin Luther King, Jr., Middle School. Which method of transportation do most students use? The largest section of the graph is the section that represents taking a bus. Answer: The method of transportation most students use is the bus. 1/3 Example 3-1a

7 ICE CREAM The circle graph shows which flavor of ice cream students consider their favorite. Which flavor of ice cream is considered the favorite by most students? Answer: cookie dough 1/3 Example 3-1b

8 TRANSPORTATION The circle graph shows which method of transportation students use to get to Martin Luther King, Jr., Middle School. How does the number of students who ride a moped to school compare to the number of students who take the bus? 2/3 Example 3-2a

9 The percent of students who ride a moped is 7% and the percent of students who ride the bus is 36%.
Answer: The number of students who take the bus is much larger the number of students who ride a moped. 2/3 Example 3-2b

10 ICE CREAM The circle graph shows which flavor of ice cream students consider their favorite.
How does the number of students who prefer peanut butter ice cream compare to the number of students who prefer cookie dough ice cream? Answer: The number of students prefer cookie dough ice cream is about twice as much to those that prefer peanut butter ice cream 2/3 Example 3-2c

11 Which two land uses occupy the least amount of land?
LAND USE The graph at the right shows the different ways land is used in the United States. Which two land uses occupy the least amount of land? The two smallest wedges would be the lads that use the least amount of land Answer: Conservation land and other rural land occupy the least amount of land in the United States. 3/3 Example 3-3a

12 Students’ Favorite Sport
* SPORTS The graph below shows students’ choices for favorite sport. Which two sports are the least favorite? Students’ Favorite Sport Answer: hockey and soccer 3/3 Example 3-3b

13 Assignment Lesson 2:3 Circle Graphs All End of Lesson 3

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