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YOUTH SOCIAL ISSUES A presentation among the main social issues.

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1 YOUTH SOCIAL ISSUES A presentation among the main social issues.
Liceo Scientifico Farnesina, Roma Comenius conference, Bad Toltz, March 2015.

2 Agenda Youth unemployment. Emigration towards Western countries.
Drugs and alcohol abuse. Bullying. Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

3 Youth unemployment Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

4 Our situation In Italy the unemployment rate is particurarly high; the percentage of unemployed people between 15 and 24 years of age is about 46%. Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

5 The causes Reticence of companies in hiring young workers.
Generational change. Employers who don’t care enough about the cumulative hours of work of university students who have a job while attending university lessons. Lack of incentives to fulfill menial jobs. Young people who don’t look seriously for a job, like the “NEET”. Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

6 The NEET This term is the English acronym for “ Not engaged in Education, Employment or Training”and it refers to young people between 15 and 29 years of age. In Italy they are 30% of the population and the phenomenon of the “NEET generation” is increasing . In addition to this in our country also graduates don’t have the possibility of getting a job because a degree is no longer enough to be hired. In fact only experienced workers have this opportunity. Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

Adapt to what the market offers University studies which allow students to acquire competences suitable to different jobs Follow students’ own dreams To know foreign languages. ICT Good communication skills Dynamic and able to adjust to different situations Work well under pressure, alone and as a part of a team Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

8 Government plans to solve working world problems.
The current government, through the Job’s Act has increased the possibility of hiring young workers thanks to the reduction of tax and retirement’s contributions for new hired workers. It finances start –up enterprises (characterized by innovative activities) with grants for a maximum amount of euros. On the contrary, the incentives offered for menial jobs are different in every Italian region and they don’t depend on the national government. The richest regions have renewed these incentives; but in other cases the measures offered by regional governments have expired in the last few years( ) and they have not been renewed again because of the lack of funds. Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

9 Government plans to solve working world problems.
In exceptional cases the State can help the enterprises facing a difficult financial situation, as in the case of ILVA in Taranto. The Italian government has taken measures to save many jobs and it has also participated in the expenses intended for reclaiming the surrounding areas. In other cases the national government has helped enterprises like Electrolux with financial contributions aimed at reducing labour costs. Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

10 Youth emigration from Italy
Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

11 Youth emigration It is caused by the increase of unemployment in Italy
Young people want to find a job which fits their skills, not always available in our country Especially in Northern Europe there are many more opportunities for Italian people Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

12 The majority of migrants are under 40 years old
In the last years there was an increase equal to the 30% of young people among migrants The majority of migrants are under 40 years old The favourite destination of Italians is Germany because it offers many more possibilities to work Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

13 Brain Drain (“Fuga di Cervelli”) Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

14 Among PhD Students In Italy, scholarships are lower than in other European countries. Young researchers are able to find an occupation in foreign universities or research centers, with higher salaries, better guardianships, research perspectives and professional integration. Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

15 Statistics from the year 2012;
*Referred to European citizens Among Graduates In the last 10 years 700’000 graduates left Italy to pursuit a career in a foreign country In % of graduated people went abroad In % of graduated people went abroad There is no “brain circulation”: while a lot of people are leaving our country, a few are coming to work in Italy* Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

16 The following slides are showing you how drugs and alcohol’s abuse is spreading in the new-young generation and what are the main problems that this disease causes. Our analysis is focused on some data that we’ve discovered in our state’s statistics. Drugs and alcohol

17 First steps. Sometimes the daily use of tobacco in the teenagers is the first step to the use of soft drugs, like marijuana and cannabis. Also a frequent use of alcohol brings adolescents to want more and in the end to get drunk (hangover). These kind of uses could be determinant in our relations with family, friends and, why not, school or university. We decided to focuse on these problems because sometimes it can alter the relations between teenagers and people in general. Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

18 Here are some numbers… ‘Osservatorio Adolescenti di Telefono Azzurro’ and ‘DoxaKids’ made some analysis about the use of drugs and alcohol, interviewing some teenagers. 50,6 % of teenagers between 11 and 19 years old consumed alcohol 49,9% of them get drunk at least once Source: “Osservatorio Adolescenti di Telefono Azzurro” Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

19 13% of the teenagers interviewed declared of using drugs
…numbers and numbers… 13% of the teenagers interviewed declared of using drugs 53,6% of them know at least one friend which daily makes use of drugs and alcohol Source: “Osservatorio Adolescenti di Telefono Azzurro” Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

20 26,4% of them had seen friends mixing drugs and alcohol
…in the end. 26,4% of them had seen friends mixing drugs and alcohol Source: “Osservatorio Adolescenti di Telefono Azzurro” Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

21 What can we do? How can we enjoy safely?
We are teenagers too, so how can we fight this disease? Can we find better solutions to enjoy our ordinary lives? How can we enjoy safely?

22 Be yourself! You can do whatever you want always with the necessary control! We’re not saying that drinkig a little bit is prohibited, but you have always to take consciousness of your actions! If we are talking about drugs, the point is different... drugs destroy our body and mind from the beginning and the biggest risk is to damage other people’s life. The point of both issues is that we don’t need to make all of these ways of having fun an «ADDICTION». Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

23 Associazione Giacomo Vidiri
One of our solutions. This association was born two years ago after the death of one of our friends (Giacomo Vidiri) that studied in our school, Liceo Farnesina in Rome. Its proposals are basically, to keep teenagers away from drugs and alcohol abuse, finding a new way to enjoy their freetime, working and sharing moments all together. Associazione Giacomo Vidiri Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

24 The problem of bullying in Italy
Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

25 What does bullying mean?
Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual and the victim feels lonely and exposed to threats, afraid to talk about events and scared by the possible revenge of the bully. Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

26 And what about the Cyberbullying?
In the last few years another problem for young people is emerged, called “Cyberbullying”. Cyberbullying is the use of digital technologies with an intent to offend, humiliate, threaten, harass or abuse somebody. Cyberbullying can happen 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and reach a kid even when he or she is alone. It can happen any time of the day or night. Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

27 And what about the Cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying messages and images can be posted anonymously and distributed quickly to a very wide audience. It can be difficult and sometimes impossible to trace the source. Deleting inappropriate or harassing messages, texts, and pictures is extremely difficult after they have been posted or sent. Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

28 Features… The victim The bully
Usually, the victim is more sensitive than the others and it is not able to defend him/her self. The bully acts as a persecutor and he finds likeable to dominate the other without showing compassion for the victim’s physical and emotional suffering. Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

29 …and the consequences The victim The bully
For the victim there might be some remarkable consequences like insecurity and depression or no confidence in istitutions such as school and family. The bully will probably become adults with antisocial and deviant behaviour, violent and risk to be refused by the community. Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

30 The situation in Italy Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

31 What is the government doing to solve this problem?
The Ministry of Education has promoted an informative and educational campaign called “Smonta il bullo” (“Deflate the bully”). Institution of Observatories to supervise the different situations all around Italy. A bill concerning the bullying and cyberbullying problem is going to be discussed and voted by the parliament. Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

32 Other solutions Apart from government, the institutions which can intervene faster and better are school, mass media and family. Mass media have to inspire young people in the proper way and inform the whole society about this problem. The school has to teach the students to be interested in learning and “shout” against bullying. The family has to listen to the victim, or the bully and understand his frames of mind. Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

33 Liceo Scientifico Farnesina -Roma-

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