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Chapter 11 Opener Both genes and environment contribute to the development of foraging behavior in the honey bee.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 11 Opener Both genes and environment contribute to the development of foraging behavior in the honey bee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 11 Opener Both genes and environment contribute to the development of foraging behavior in the honey bee

2 Figure 11.1 Development of worker behavior in honey bees

3 Figure 11.1 Development of worker behavior in honey bees (Part 1)

4 Figure 11.1 Development of worker behavior in honey bees (Part 2)

5 Figure 11.2 Gene activity varies in the brains of nurse bees and foragers.

6 Figure 11.3 Social environment and task specialization by worker honey bees

7 Figure Levels of the messenger RNA produced when the for gene is expressed in the brains of nurses and of foragers in three typical honey bee colonies

8 Figure 11.5 Imprinting in greylag geese

9 Figure 11.6 Cross-fostering has different imprinting effects in two related songbirds

10 Figure 11.6 Cross-fostering has different imprinting effects in two related songbirds (Part 1)

11 Figure 11.6 Cross-fostering has different imprinting effects in two related songbirds (Part 2)

12 Figure 11.7 Spatial learning by chickadees

13 Figure 11.7 Spatial learning by chickadees (Part 1)

14 Figure 11.7 Spatial learning by chickadees (Part 2)

15 Figure A Clark’s nutcracker holding a seed in its bill that the bird is about to cache underground

16 Figure 11.9 Kin discrimination in Belding’s ground squirrels

17 Figure 11.9 Kin discrimination in Belding’s ground squirrels (Part 1)

18 Figure 11.9 Kin discrimination in Belding’s ground squirrels (Part 2)

19 Figure 11.10 Belding’s ground squirrels learn their own odor

20 Figure 11.11 Migratory routes taken by blackcap warblers in the fall

21 Figure 11.11 Migratory routes taken by blackcap warblers in the fall (Part 1)

22 Figure 11.11 Migratory routes taken by blackcap warblers in the fall (Part 2)

23 Figure Differences in the migratory behavior of two closely related birds, the black redstart and the common redstart

24 Figure A coastal Californian garter snake about to consume a banana slug, a favorite food of snakes in this region

25 Figure 11.14 Response of newborn, naive garter snakes to slug cubes

26 Figure A tongue-flicking newborn garter snake senses odors from a cotton swab that has been dipped in slug extract

27 Figure 11.16 Genetic differences cause behavioral differences in fruit fly larvae

28 Figure 11.17 A single genetic difference has a large effect on maternal behavior

29 Figure 11.18 Social amnesia is related to the loss of a single gene

30 Figure 11.18 Social amnesia is related to the loss of a single gene (Part 1)

31 Figure 11.18 Social amnesia is related to the loss of a single gene (Part 2)

32 Figure 11.19 Surrogate mothers used in social deprivation experiments

33 Figure Socially isolated rhesus infants that are permitted to interact with one another for short periods each day at first cling to each other during the contact period

34 Figure 11.21 Developmental homeostasis in humans

35 Figure 11.22 Developmental switch mechanisms can produce polyphenisms within the same species

36 Figure 11.23 Tiger salamanders occur in two forms

37 Figure Activity of the gene that codes for gonadotropin-releasing hormone in the cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni

38 Figure Subordinate males of the fish Astatotilapia burtoni react very quickly to the absence of a dominant rival

39 Figure Subordinate males of the fish Astatotilapia burtoni react very quickly to the absence of a dominant rival (Part 1)

40 Figure Subordinate males of the fish Astatotilapia burtoni react very quickly to the absence of a dominant rival (Part 2)

41 Figure 11.26 Developmental flexibility in redback spiders

42 Figure 11.26 Developmental flexibility in redback spiders (Part 1)

43 Figure 11.26 Developmental flexibility in redback spiders (Part 2)

44 Figure 11.26 Developmental flexibility in redback spiders (Part 3)

45 Figure 11.26 Developmental flexibility in redback spiders (Part 4)

46 Figure 11.27 Male thynnine wasps can learn to avoid being deceived by an orchid

47 Figure 11.27 Male thynnine wasps can learn to avoid being deceived by an orchid (Part 1)

48 Figure 11.27 Male thynnine wasps can learn to avoid being deceived by an orchid (Part 2)

49 Figure 11.28 Spatial learning abilities differ among members of the crow family

50 Figure Male pinyon jays make fewer errors than females do when retrieving seeds from caches they have made, especially after intervals of 2 to 4 months

51 Figure Male pinyon jays make fewer errors than females do when retrieving seeds from caches they have made, especially after intervals of 2 to 4 months (Part 1)

52 Figure Male pinyon jays make fewer errors than females do when retrieving seeds from caches they have made, especially after intervals of 2 to 4 months (Part 2)

53 Figure 11.30 Sex differences in spatial learning ability are linked to home range size

54 Figure 11.31 A virtual maze used for computer-based studies of navigational skills

55 Figure 11.32 Sex differences in the hippocampus

56 Figure 11.33 Operant conditioning exhibited by a rat in a Skinner box

57 Figure 11.34 Biases in taste aversion learning

58 Figure 11.35 Vampire bats could not form learned taste aversions

59 Figure 11.35 Vampire bats could not form learned taste aversions (Part 1)

60 Figure 11.35 Vampire bats could not form learned taste aversions (Part 2)

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