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Importance of Agriculture to Canada

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1 Importance of Agriculture to Canada

2 Crop and animal production contribute 1
Crop and animal production contribute 1.4% to Canada’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product) About 20% of jobs are related to the agricultural sector of the economy (growers, transportation, processing, selling, etc)

3 Agricultural products play an important role in trade with other countries
Canada has a large surplus in agricultural trade Most surplus is from grains and vegetable oil products from the prairies

4 Canadians rely on the production of food that is relatively inexpensive (after all costs are added)
In the 1950s Canadians spent about 25% of their income on food Today, they spend only 11% (including meals out) Problems may cause the cost of food to rise in the future

5 Land: The Basic Resource
Land can be classed as a “renewable resource” if it is used properly Land can also be classed as a “non-renewable resource” because there is a limited amount of it available, especially land suitable for farming If the land is seriously damaged due to bad farming practices, urban sprawl

6 1960s and 1970s the Canada Land Inventory (CLI) divided land into 7 classes based on agricultural suitability According to CLI only 13% of Canada’s land mass (Classes 1 - 6) is suitable for agriculture




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