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RUSSIAN Revolutionary PIES

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Presentation on theme: "RUSSIAN Revolutionary PIES"— Presentation transcript:

1 RUSSIAN Revolutionary PIES

2 The Russian Revolution Overview

3 POLITICAL CAUSES Czars rule through autocratic rule

4 Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov
INTELLECTUAL CAUSES Rise of the Bolsheviks Supported a communist revolution to create a more equal society Major Bolshevik leader was Also known as Lenin Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov

Bad working conditions Low wages Peasants had no access to land Famine No rights to protest Food and fuel shortages High prices

6 Bloody Sunday-Revolution of 1905
January 22, 1905 thousands protested for better working conditions and freedom. Soldiers fired upon the people. Several hundred killed 6

7 5. World War I: “The Last Straw”
Not prepared for war. Generals poorly trained and poorly equipped 4 million Russians killed in 1 year. 7

8 World War I (cont) 1915 Nicholas moved to the front
Revealed weaknesses of czarist rule and military leadership Russian soldiers mutinied, deserted, ignored orders. 8

9 Alexandra: The Power Behind the Throne
Even more committed to autocracy than her husband She was under the influence of Rasputin Origins of Rasputin’s power - ? Scandals surrounding Rasputin served to discredit the monarchy 9

10 Alexis: Alexandra’s Son with Hemophilia

11 11

12 6. March Revolution 1917 Women’s strike
Shortages of bread and fuel led to riots Forced the czar, Nicholas II to abdicate Provincial government set up Soviets formed to influence new government Problem-new government was weak, the nation was still involved with WWI, was unable to deal effectively with economic/social problems Women’s strike Shortages of bread and fuel led to riots Forced the czar, Nicholas II to abdicate Provincial government set up Soviets formed to influence new government 12

13 Peace, Land, Bread November Revolution 1917
Bolsheviks-supported a communist revolution led by the industrial workers Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov “Lenin” the leader. Took over the provincial government Peace, Land, Bread 13

14 November 1917 Peace, Land, Bread
Lenin ordered farmland to be redistributed Gave control of factories to the workers Signed Treaty of Brest Litovsk-Russia surrendered to Germany to end war on Russian front 14

15 Civil War 1918-1920 Reds vs. Whites Millions died from war and famine
Reds=Bolsheviks Whites=those opposed to Bolsheviks Millions died from war and famine Crushed Bolshevik opposition 15

16 U.S.S.R 1922 Lenin organized Russia into several self-governing republics under the central government Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Bolsheviks renamed party Communist Party 16

17 Ro 17

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