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Algebra II with Trigonometry Mrs. Stacey

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Presentation on theme: "Algebra II with Trigonometry Mrs. Stacey"— Presentation transcript:

1 Algebra II with Trigonometry Mrs. Stacey
Factoring Algebra II with Trigonometry Mrs. Stacey

2 Essential Stuff Essential Question How do you factor expressions?
Essential Vocabulary Factor Quadratic Expression Trinomial

3 What is Factoring? Rewriting an expression as the product of its factors Four methods of factoring: GCF (always try GCF first) Trinomial (3 terms) Difference of Squares/ Sum or Dif of Cubes (2 terms) Grouping (4 terms)

4 Factoring with a GCF 7xy – 21x4y2 + 28x2y4 3ab3 – 9b2 + 22a2
32m2n3 + 12m4n – 24mn2

5 Factoring Trinomials Trinomial: a function with three terms
Quadratic Trinomial: a quadratic function with three terms

6 Factoring Trinomials To factor quadratic trinomials always check to see that the middle term’s exponent is half the first term’s exponent. Binomial Factors: the two expressions that multiply to give a quadratic trinomial Examples!

7 Difference of Squares Two perfect squares that are subtracted can be factored like so: a2 – b2 = (a + b)(a – b) Remember: use when given two terms. Examples!

8 Homework: Homework 5.1

9 Essential Stuff Essential Question How do you factor expressions?
Essential Vocabulary Factor Perfect Cubes

10 What is Factoring? Rewriting an expression as the product of its factors Four methods of factoring: GCF (always try GCF first) Trinomial (3 terms) Difference of Squares/ Sum or Dif of Cubes (2 terms) Grouping (4 terms)

11 Perfect Cubes We can factor the sum or difference of two perfect cubes… This is the only other way we will factor 2 terms! Examples!

12 Homework: Homework 5.2

13 Essential Stuff Essential Question How do you factor expressions?
Essential Vocabulary Factor Grouping

14 What is Factoring? Rewriting an expression as the product of its factors Four methods of factoring: GCF (always try GCF first) Trinomial (3 terms) Difference of Squares/ Sum or Dif of Cubes (2 terms) Grouping (4 terms)

15 Grouping Grouping is used with 4 terms.
Group the first two terms and then the second two terms. Look for GCF in each group. Answer is two binomials. Examples!

16 Homework: Homework 5.3

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