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Alex Bird Chief Executive

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1 Alex Bird Chief Executive
Tackling Social Exclusion Maximising the potential of people with learning disabilities Alex Bird Chief Executive

2 Our Vision & Mission Vision
That all people … are able to participate as valued citizens within the community. Mission To have a significant role in providing and organising the support necessary to enable all people … to participate as valued citizens within the community. Vision That all people with a disability or other disadvantage are able to participate as valued citizens within the community. Mission To have a significant role in providing and organising the support necessary to enable all people with a disability or other disadvantage to participate as valued citizens within the community Aims ·        To develop innovative, high quality services that reflect the core values of the organisation and meet the needs of our service users. ·        To work in partnership with service users, their carers, other providers, our funders and the wider community to promote models of best practice. ·        To achieve a level of staff training, support and development that enables the delivery of quality services, and reflects their contribution to the organisation. ·        To offer a service that respects and is responsive to the race, religion, culture, language, gender, sexuality and abilities of services users and staff. ·        To be values driven at all times. ·        To take measured risks in developing new services in order to maintain our innovative position. ·        To develop volunteering opportunities which promote an understanding of the issues related to all people with a disability or other disadvantage.

3 Our Historical Roots Cardiff Universities Social Services
Started as student volunteering project in 1967 Delivering community based services since then Pioneering work acknowledged in All Wales Strategy Work with children and adults with all disabilities Knowledge and experience with learning disabilities Opened first group home in 1974, first Respite 1976 Grown to over 120 permanent staff in 12 locations Re-named April 2002 – Innovate Trust CUSS has been delivering community based services since the It opened its’ first group home in 1974 for three ex-residents of Ely long stay hospital in premises provided by the University. In 1979 it consolidated its’ position by leasing a house in Boverton Street, Cardiff, and has since grown to providing services in a range of houses owned by partner RSLs as well as its own adapted and purpose built properties. Its roots in student volunteering generated a response to the needs of service users in ways that challenged traditional services. Innovate Trust has earned, and maintains, an enviable reputation for service innovation. The organisation has also maintained a set of core values that inform service planning and delivery. These values form a very strong part of the organisations culture.

4 Our Range of Services Supported Accommodation
Emergency Accommodation for Adults Respite for Adolescents Tenants Support Service Open Market Employment via ‘Quest’ Training and Work Experience via ‘Field Days’ & ‘Innovate Catering’ Autistic children’s services Student Volunteering programme – largest in UK Deaf and hard of hearing service – partnership with RNID Developing Social Firms network across Wales Innovate Trust provides a range of services to people with learning disabilities, mental health problems, sensory impairments and physical disabilities. These include:- Respite accommodation for young people in our own premises in a terraced house in Canton, Cardiff. Emergency accommodation for those whose lives are in crisis in brand new purpose built accommodation with the support of the Jane Hodge Foundation. Supported Housing in partnership with Local Authorities, Health Authorities and RSLs for a range of service users. Training and work experience projects through our ‘Field Days’ and ‘Innovate Catering’ programmes. This provides work experience in commercial settings in public buildings and projects. Open market job opportunities through ‘Quest’, our employment agency Student volunteering programmes in partnership with SVS. These volunteering programmes are being integrated with our other services to provide significant added value. We have a formal partnership with RNID to deliver a specialist supported housing programme across Wales. This was formally launched in November 2003 by the Minister. We are the lead body for Social Firms development in Wales, operating as the Welsh arm of the Social Firms UK Network. We are provide an all Wales support, advice and development network for Social Firms and emerging Social Firms, as well as working on our own Social Firm developments in South East Wales.

5 Work ?

6 Our Employment Projects
Baltic House Café Park View Café Field Days at Amelia Trust Farm Central Kitchen – Outside Catering Quest Supported Employment Agency Social Firms Wales

7 Quest Fred Jenkins Kelly Packham
Quest has over 80 people supported in permanent work at present. Over its 13 year life it has supported over 300 individuals into work. Fred works 20 hours a week at Wyn Thomas Gordon Lewis, a Cardiff based firm of Urban Designers/Town Planners/Architects. He has given up his Social Security and Housing Benefits completely. Kelly works 6 hours a week at Hillcroft Residential Home in Llandaff. Fred Jenkins Kelly Packham

8 Café Projects Park View 20 Trainees Baltic House 12 Trainees Field Days 16 Trainees Arwyn cutting the cake he baked to celebrate 25 years of ‘Fair Trade’

9 Project Outcomes Raised skills Raised self-confidence
Qualifications NPTC or NVQ1 Personal growth Independence Less support Benefits saving Status !

10 The Equal Programme Equal Shares for All Summary.ppt

11 Questions Alex Bird Chief Executive

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