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NPM Workplan K. Kavoussanakis.

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1 NPM Workplan K. Kavoussanakis

2 NPM Deliverables PM12 MJRA4.3 “Prototype tool”
Discussed enough for now PM18 MJRA4.6 “Specification of monitoring and diagnostic tools; revision of NPM metrics” PM21 DJRA4.5 “Service to supply NPM to middleware” PM24 DJRA4.7 “Report on NPM in EGEE”

3 MJRA4.6 Due PM18: Specification of high-level monitoring and diagnostic tools. Revision of NP metrics. Deliver a tool, together with the design for it. What could it do? Expose selected metrics Expose trouble tickets Attempt to “script” the actions a Network Operator would take to diagnose a network fault Enhanced WP7 deployment a parallel activity

4 What user? We need to identify a set of users so as to extract requirements on the Security and UI fronts and certainly on metrics. We have expertise within the group from GARR and DFN, and also from DANTE and CNRS, which we should exploit anyway. If we don’t find users, we shall press on based on above. It would be impressive if our tool was used by the 5 EGEE Core Infrastructure Centres (CIC) Made preliminary contacts, to be followed up on Wednesday Overly ambitious? Other alternatives?

5 The hidden goals Deployment must have progressed significantly by then
Which is why we must fix the number of tools we will need to deploy very soon As part of MJRA4.3? April? Continuous yet gradual deployment on more and more sites. Backbone monitoring? Security Control both who and how accesses the data and who and how provides the data Discovery Downgraded for MJRA4.3; should/could it stay a fixed table? Aggregation Mk II

6 MJRA4.6 Timelines Specify DT (PM18)
UI specification and use cases (PM13) Mediator design (PM13) Design of tool (PM14) Develop & Test Mediator & DT (PM18) Beta (PM16) First (PM18) (Bug-fixes PM21-22) Deploy NPM framework and Mediators (PM18) Deployment plan (PM13) Requires understanding of monitoring requirements Midi (PM16) Maxi (PM18) Revise metrics (PM18) Depends on users’ early opinions Would benefit from beta releases of tool and deployment

7 DJRA4.5 Due PM21 (3 months after Diagnostic Tool) and a Deliverable rather than a Milestone. PM21 is also December Service to supply network performance information to resource brokering middleware Note “Service”; deployment is key It requires significant interactions with JRA1, which we can start soon and really pursue from April onwards Volunteers? If the interactions don’t happen, we shall press on speculating Different architecture and perhaps North security model from Diagnostic Tool Overlapping modules?

8 DJRA4.5 Timelines Specify GIS (PM21) Develop & Test Publisher and GIS
UI specification and use cases (PM14) Publisher design (PM14) Design of GIS (PM15) Develop & Test Publisher and GIS Beta (PM18) First (PM21) (Bug-fixes PM22-23) Deployment Exploit deployment of MJRA4.6 Publisher deployment? Dissemination to and integration with JRA1/NA4 Must start in PM13 at the latest

9 MJRA4.6 and DJRA4.5 Dissemination to and integration with JRA1/NA4
Specify DT (PM18) UI specification & use cases (PM13) Mediator design (PM13) Design of tool (PM14) Deploy NPM framework and Mediators (PM18) Deployment plan (PM13) Requires understanding of monitoring requirements Midi (PM16) Maxi (PM18) Develop & Test Mediator & DT (PM18) Beta (PM16) First (PM18) (Bug-fixes PM21-22) Revise metrics (PM18) Depends on users’ early opinions Would benefit from beta releases of tool and deployment Dissemination to and integration with JRA1/NA4 Must start in PM13 at the latest Specify GIS (PM21) UI specification and use cases (PM14) Publisher design (PM14) Design of GIS (PM15) Develop & Test Publisher & GIS Beta (PM18) First (PM21) (Bug-fixes PM22-23) Deployment Exploit deployment of MJRA4.6 Publisher deployment?

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