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The Phonograph The tin foil after recording

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1 The Phonograph The tin foil after recording
The Liberty Bell March

2 The Gramophone and records
Gramophones used a flat disc which recorded on a spiral groove. This format allowed mass production of vinyl “records”.

3 1954 1927 1904 Record players continued to be popular until the 1990’s 1987 1973

4 Magnetic Tape It was much easier to record on cassettes and they were more portable. The first music cassette tapes appeared in 1966. Cassette tape recorder

5 Compact Discs James Russell invented the compact disc because he loved classical music and was bothered by the hisses and scratches on vinyl records. He figured out how to record sound with light, eliminating the wear and tear that's inevitable with touching parts. They were first mass produced in 1980 and have quickly replaced vinyl records. The sound is sampled digitally and is still recorded in a spiral on the face of the disk but by using lasers and light sensitive dyes in the plastic.

6 MP3 players In 1995 engineers invented a compression format. Music files can now be very small and can be saved on a computer or listening device. Now it is possible to make you own music digitally. iPod Touch

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