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Fundamentals of structural programming

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1 Fundamentals of structural programming
Dr. Mohamed Khafagy

2 Scope A sequence of statements within { … } is considered a block of code. The part of the program where you can use a certain identifier is called the scope of that identifier. The scope of an identifier starts immediately after its declaration and ends when the “innermost” block of code within which it is declared ends. It is possible to declare the same identifier in another block within the program.

3 Scope The scope of an identifier does not apply if the same identifier is declared in an inner block. A global declaration of an identifier is made outside the bodies of all functions, including the main function. It is normally grouped with the other global declarations and placed at the beginning of the program file. A local declaration of an identifier is made inside a block of code which could be the body of a function. Globally declared identifiers can be accessed anywhere in the program. Locally declared identifiers cannot be accessed outside of the block they were declared in.

4 Scope: Example 1 scope of y scope of fun scope of z scope of a
int y = 38; void fun(int, int); int main( ){ int z=47; while(z<400){ int a = 90; z += a++; z++; } y = 2 * z; fun(1, 2); return 0; void fun(int s, int t){ int r = 12; s = r + t; int i = 27; s += i; scope of y scope of fun scope of z scope of a scope of s & t scope of r scope of i

5 Example 2:Global Constants
#include <math.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; const double PI = ; double area(double radius); //Returns the area of a circle with the specified radius. double volume(double radius); //returns the volume of a sphere with the specified radius. int main(){ double radius_of_both, area_of_circle, volume_of_sphere. cout << " Enter a radius to use for both a circle " << " and a sphere (in inches): “ cin >> radius_of_both; area_of_circle = area(radius_of_both); volume_of_sphere = volume(radius_of_both);

6 Example 2:Global Constants
cout << "Radius = " << radius_of_both << " inches \n" << "Area of circle = " << area_of_circle <<" square inches\n" <<"Volume of sphere = " << volume_of_sphere <<" cubic inches\n"; return 0; } double area(double radius) { return(PI * radius * radius); double volume(double radius) return((4.0/3.0)* PI * radius * radius * radius);

7 Scope: Example 3 #include <iostream>
Number in Increment() is the global variable. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int Number; //global variable void Increment(int IncNum) { IncNum = IncNum + 3; cout << IncNum << endl; Number = Number + 1; } int main() { Number = 1; Increment(Number); cout << Number << endl; return 0; }

8 Scope: Example 4 int Number; //global variable void Increment(int& IncNum) { IncNum = IncNum + 3; cout << IncNum << endl; Number = Number + 1; } int main() { Number = 1; Increment(Number); cout << Number << endl; return 0; When Increment is called, IncNum refers to global variable Number. Number = Number + 1 also refers to global variable Number.

9 Scope: Example 5 int Number; //global variable
void Increment(int Number) { Number = Number + 1; cout << Number << endl; } int main() { Number = 1; Increment(Number); cout << Number << endl; return 0; } The scope of the global variable Number does not include Increment(), because Increment() already has a local parameter of the same name. Thus, the changes made to Number are lost when control returns to the main program.

10 Scope: Example 6 int A,B,C,D; void Two(int A, int B, int& D) {
B = 21; D = 23; cout << A << " " << B << " " << C<< " " << D << endl; } void One(int A, int B, int& C) { int D; // Local variable A = 10; B = 11; C = 12; D = 13; cout << A << " " << B<< " " << C<< " " << D << endl; Two(A,B,C); int main() { A = 1; B = 2; C = 3; D = 4; One(A,B,C); cout << A << " " <<B << " " << C << " " << D << endl; return 0;

11 Scope: Example 6 Output: ABCD in One = 10 11 12 13
ABCD in Two = ABCD in Main = ABCD in Two =

12 Return Value A function normally returns a single result, if it is not a void function. At least one of the statements in the function body should have the form: return <expression>; The value passed back by the return statement should have the same type as the function.

13 Pass by Value The arguments of a function retain their original values after the function’s execution.

14 Pass by Value: Example 1 For example, consider the following code:
int sum(int num_1, int num_2){ num_1 = num_1 + num_2; return num_1; } int main(){ int var_x, var_y, var_z; var_x = 3; var_y = 5; var_z = sum(var_x, var_y); cout << var_z << endl; return 0; What are the values of var_x, var_y, and var_z at the end of the main() program?

15 Pass by Value: Example 1 The answer: 3, 5, and 8.
Even though the value of parameter num_1 is changed, the corresponding value in argument var_x does not change. The value of the argument is copied to the parameter, but changes to the value of the parameter do not affect the argument. In fact, all information in local variables declared within the function will be lost when the function terminates.

16 Pass by Value: Example 2 #include <iostream>
An example to show how the function does not affect a variable which is used as a parameter: // Test the effect of a function // on its parameter #include <iostream> using namespace std; void Increment(int Number) { Number = Number + 1; cout << "The parameter Number is: " << Number << endl; }

17 Pass by Value: Example 2 int main() { int I = 10;
//argument is a variable Increment(I ); cout << "The variable I is: " <<I << endl; //argument is a constant Increment(35); cout << "The variable I is: " <<I<< endl; //argument is an expression Increment(I +26); return 0; }

18 Pass by Value: Example 2

19 Pass by Value: Example 3 void PrintSumAve ( double, double );
// Print the sum and average of two numbers // Input: two numbers x & y // Output: sum - the sum of x & y // average - the average of x & y #include <iostream> using namespace std; void PrintSumAve ( double, double ); int main ( ) { double x, y; cout << "Enter two numbers: "; cin >> x >> y; PrintSumAve ( x , y ); return 0; }

20 Pass by Value: Example 3 void PrintSumAve (double no1, double no2) {
double sum, average; sum = no1 + no2; average = sum / 2; cout << "The sum is " << sum << endl; cout << "The average is " << average << endl; }

21 Pass by Value: Example 3 Data areas after call to PrintSumAve() :

22 Pass by Value: Example 4 double new_balance(double, double);
//Compute new balance at a certain interest rate //Inputs: A positive balance and // a positive interest rate //Output: The new balance after interest was posted #include <iostream> using namespace std; double new_balance(double, double); /* Returns the balance in a bank account after adding interest. For example, if rate is 5.0, then the interest rate is 5% and so new_balance(100, 5.0) returns */

23 Pass by Value: Example 4 int main(){ double interest, balance;
cout << "Enter balance (positive number): "; cin >> balance; if (balance <= 0.0) cout <<"Balance not positive; stopping" << endl; else { cout <<"Enter interest rate (positive number): "; cin >> interest; if (interest <= 0.0) cout <<"Interest not positive; stopping"<< endl; else cout <<"New balance = $" << new_balance(balance, interest)<< endl; } return 0;

24 Pass by Value: Example 4 // New balance is computed as balance + // balance * rate/100 double new_balance(double balance, double rate) { double interest_fraction, interest; interest_fraction = rate / 100; interest = interest_fraction * balance; return (balance + interest); } /* New balance is computed as balance * (1 + rate/100) double interest_fraction, updated_balance; updated_balance = balance * (1 + interest_fraction); return updated_balance; } */

25 Pass by Value: Example 5 // Input: inches // Output: feet and inches
#include <iostream> using namespace std; // Function prototypes int feet(int); int remain_inches(int);

26 Pass by Value: Example 5 int main() { int inches; // Number of inches
cout << "Enter number of inches to convert:"; cin >> inches; cout << "Result is " << feet(inches) << " feet " << remain_inches(inches) << " inches" << endl; return 0; } int feet(int input_inches) { return input_inches / 12; } int remain_inches(int input_inches) { return input_inches % 12; }

27 Pass by Value: Example 6 // File main.cpp // Input inches
// Output feet and inches #include <iostream> #include "i2f.h" using namespace std; int main() { int inches; // Number of inches cout << "Enter number of inches to convert:"; cin >> inches; cout << "Result is "<< feet(inches)<<" feet " << remain_inches(inches) << " inches" << endl; return 0; }

28 Passing Parameters by Reference
To have a function with multiple outputs, we have to use pass by reference. We use & to denote a parameter that is passed by reference: <type>& <variable> Examples: void Increment(int& Number); void SumAve (double, double,double&, double&);

29 Passing Parameters by Reference
The corresponding argument must be a variable. Increment(Inc); SumAve (2.5, y+3, sum, mean); The address (reference) of that variable is passed to the function, instead of its value. If the function changes the parameter value, the change will be reflected in the corresponding argument, since they share the same memory location.

30 Pass by Reference: Example 1
To show how the function affects a variable which is used as an argument: #include <iostream> using namespace std; void Increment(int& Number){ Number = Number + 1; cout << "The parameter Number: " << Number << endl; } int main(){ int Inc = 10; Increment(Inc); // parameter is a variable cout << "The variable Inc is: "<<Inc<<endl; return 0; }

31 Pass by Reference: Example 2
It is possible to use both pass by reference and pass by value parameters in the same function. // Print the sum and average of two numbers // Input: two numbers num_1 and num_2 // Output: sum of num_1 and num_2 // average of num_1 and num_2 #include <iostream> using namespace std; void SumAve (double, double, double&, double&);

32 Pass by Reference: Example 2
int main ( ) { double x, y, sum, mean; cout << "Enter two numbers: "; cin >> x >> y; SumAve (x, y, sum, mean); cout << "The sum is " << sum << endl; cout << "The average is " << mean << endl; return 0; } void SumAve(double no1, double no2, double& sum, double& average) { sum = no1 + no2; average = sum / 2; }

33 Pass by Reference: Example 2
Data areas after call to SumAve:

34 Pass by Reference: Example 3
// Compare and sort three integers #include <iostream> using namespace std; void swap (int&, int&); int main ( ) { int first, second, third;// input integers // Read in first, second and third. cout << "Enter three integers: "; cin >> first >> second >> third; if (first > second) swap (first, second); if (second > third) swap (second, third); cout << "The sorted integers are " << first <<" , "<<second<<" , "<<third << endl; return 0; }

35 Pass by Reference: Example 3
// Function for swapping two integers void swap (int& num_1, int& num_2) { int temp; temp = num_1; num_1 = num_2; num_2 = temp; }

36 Pass by Reference: Example 4
// Pass-by-reference versus pass-by-value example #include <iostream> using namespace std; void One (int a, int b, int& c) { int d; a = 10; b = 11; c = 12; d = 13; cout<<"The values of a, b, c, and d in One:\n"; cout << a << " " << b << " " << c << " " << d << endl; } void Two (int a, int b, int& d) { int c = 0; cout<<"The values of a, b, c, and d in Two:\n"; << d << endl; }

37 Pass by Reference: Example 4
int main () { int a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d = 4; cout<<"The original values of a,b,c,and d:\n"; cout << a << " " << b << " " << c << " " << d << endl << endl; One(a, b, c); cout<<"The values of a,b,c,and d after One:\n"; << d << endl; Two(a, b, d); cout<<"The values of a,b,c,and d after Two:\n"; return 0; }

38 Pass by Reference: Example 4
Output: The original values of a,b,c,and d: The values of a, b, c, and d in One: The values of a, b, c, and d after One: The values of a, b, c, and d in two: The values of a, b, c, and d after two:

39 Testing and Debugging Functions
One major advantage of functions is that they can be designed, coded and tested separately from the rest of the program. Use a "driver" program to test a function with several inputs: int main( ) { for (int count = 1; count <= 13; count++){ diamond(count); cout << " Calling diamond with size " << count <<endl; } return 0;

40 Testing and Debugging Functions
If a yet-to-be written function is needed in testing a program, replace it with a "stub" for testing. A stub has the same interface as the original function, but not the full implementation. Oftentimes, a stub contains just a simple return or cout command. void diamond(int size) { cout << " diamond is called with size " << size <<endl; }

41 Example: A Simple Math Learning Tool
This example creates a program for a first grader to practice subtractions. The program randomly generates two single-digit integers number1 and number2 with number1 > number2 and displays a question such as “What is 9 – 2?” to the student, as shown in the sample output. After the student types the answer, the program displays a message to indicate whether the answer is correct.

42 Random function: rand()
#include <iostream> #include <ctime> // for time function #include <cstdlib> // for rand and srand functions using namespace std; int main() { // 1. Generate two random single-digit integers srand(time(0)); int number1 = rand() % 10; int number2 = rand() % 10; // 2. If number1 < number2, swap number1 with number2 if (number1 < number2) int temp = number1; number1 = number2; number2 = temp; }

43 Random function: rand()
// 3. Prompt the student to answer cout << "What is " << number1 << " - " << number2 << "? "; int answer; cin >> answer; // 4. Grade the answer and display the result if (number1 - number2 == answer) cout << "You are correct!"; else cout << "Your answer is wrong.\n" << number1 << " - " << number2 << " should be " << (number1 - number2) << endl; return 0; }

44 Generating Random Characters
Computer programs process numerical data and characters. You have seen many examples that involve numerical data. It is also important to understand characters and how to process them. Since every character has a unique ASCII code between 0 and To generate a random character is to generate a random integer between 0 and 127. We already learn how to generate random number from last example. Basically it is to use the srand(seed) function to set a seed and use rand() to return a random integer. You can use it to write a simple expression to generate random numbers in any range. For example,

45 Case Study: Generating Random Characters,

46 Random function: rand()
#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> using namespace std; // Generate a random character between ch1 and ch2 char getRandomCharacter(char ch1, char ch2) { return static_cast<char>(ch1 + rand() % (ch2 - ch1 + 1));} // Generate a random lowercase letter char getRandomLowerCaseLetter() { return getRandomCharacter('a', 'z');} // Generate a random uppercase letter char getRandomUpperCaseLetter() { return getRandomCharacter('A', 'Z');} // Generate a random digit character char getRandomDigitCharacter() { return getRandomCharacter('0', '9');} // Generate a random character char getRandomCharacter() { return getRandomCharacter(0, 127);} Random function: rand()

47 Random function: rand()
int main() { const int NUMBER_OF_CHARS = 175; const int CHARS_PER_LINE = 25; srand(time(0)); // Set a new seed for random function // Print random characters between '!' and '~', 25 chars per line for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_CHARS; i++) char ch = getRandomLowerCaseLetter(); if ((i + 1) % CHARS_PER_LINE == 0) cout << ch << endl; else cout << ch; } return 0;}

48 Global Variables Undisciplined use of global identifiers may lead to confusion and debugging difficulties. Instead of using global variables, you should communicate values between functions through the arguments in function calls.

49 Local Variables Variables declared in a function:
Are local to that function, they cannot be used from outside the function Have the function as their scope Variables declared in the main part of a program: Are local to the main part of the program, they cannot be used from outside the main part Have the main part as their scope

50 Global Constants Global Named Constant
Available to more than one function as well as themain part of the program Declared outside any function body Declared outside the main function body Declared before any function that uses it Example: const double PI = ;double volume(double);intmain(){…} PI is available to the main function and to function volume

51 Global Variables Global Variable --rarely used when morethan one function must use a common variable Declared just like a global constant except const is not used Generally make programs more difficult to understand and maintain

52 Formal Parametersare Local Variables
Formal Parameters are actually variables that arelocal to the function definition They are used just as if they were declared in the function body Do NOT re-declare the formal parameters in the function body, they are declared in the functiondeclaration The call-by-value mechanism When a function is called the formal parameters are initialized to the values of thearguments in the function call

53 Overloading Function Names
C++ allows more than one definition for the same function name Very convenient for situations in which the “same”function is needed for different numbers or typesof arguments Overloading a function name means providing more than one declaration and definition using the same function name

54 Overloading Examples

55 Overloading Details Overloaded functions
Must have different numbers of formal parametersAND / OR Must have at least one different type of parameter Must return a value of the same type

56 Overloading Example intmaximum(intdigit1, intdigit2); // prototype
intmaximum(intdigit1, intdigit2, intdigit3); // prototype intmain() { cout<< "Finding the max from 23, 0, 88\n"; intmax = maximum(23, 0, 88); cout<< "The max value is " << max << endl; return 0; } intmaximum(intdigit1, intdigit2) { double max = 0; if(digit1 < digit2) return digit2; else return digit1;

57 intmaximum(intdigit1, intdigit2, intdigit3) {
if(digit1 < digit2) max = digit2; else max = digit1; if(max < digit3) max = digit3; return max; }

58 Automatic Type Conversion
Given the definitiondouble mpg(double miles, double gallons){return (miles / gallons);}what will happen if mpg is called in this way?cout << mpg(45, 2) << “ miles per gallon”; The values of the arguments will automatically beconverted to type double (45.0 and 2.0)

59 intmaximum(intdigit1, intdigit2, intdigit3) {
if(digit1 < digit2) max = digit2; else max = digit1; if(max < digit3) max = digit3; return max; } /************************************************************************/ /* THIS IS ILLEGAL */ /************************************************************************ double maximum(intdigit1, intdigit2, intdigit3) { double max = 0.0; max = static_cast<double>(digit2); max = static_cast<double>(digit1); max = static_cast<double>(digit3);

60 void‐Functions In top‐down design, a subtask might produce
No  value  (just  input  or  output  for  example) One  value   More  than  one  value We  have  seen  how  to  implement  functions   that return  one  value A  void‐function  implements  a  subtask  that  ret urns  no  value  or  more  than  one  value

61 void‐Function Definition
Two  main  differences  between  void‐function   definitions  and  the  definitions  of  functions  t hat  return  one  value Keyword  void  replaces  the  type  of  the  value  returnedvoid  means  that  no  value  is  returned  by  the  function The  return  statement  does  not  include  an  expression  or  value Example:void promptForLowerChar() { cout<< "Please type a lowercase character "; cout<< "and I will make it uppercase.\n"; Return; }

62 Using  a  void‐Function void‐function  calls  are  executable  statements They  do  not  need  to  be  part  of  another  sta tement They  end  with  a  semi‐colon Example: promptForLowerChar(); cin>> theChar; outputUpperCase(theChar); NOT:       cout<< promptForLowerChar(); May  accept  parameters  or  not

63 void‐Function  Calls Mechanism  is  nearly  the  same  as  the  functio calls  we  have  seenArgument  values  are  substituted  for  the  formal  parameters  It  is  fairly  common  to  have  no  parameters  in  void‐functionsIn  this  case  there  will  be  no  arguments in  the  function  call Statements  in  function  body  are  executed Optional  return  statement  ends  the  function Return  statement  does  not  include  a  value  to  return Return  statement  is  implicit  if  it  is  not  included

64 Multiple Returns void fixACar(intnumberOfCarsToFix) {
if(numberOfCarsToFix>  1) return; intcarsCounter=  1; cin>>  hours; cout<<  “Your  current  charges  are:  “; cout<<  calculateCharges(hours)  <<  endl; }

65 void‐FunctionsWhy Use a Return?
Is  a  return‐statement  ever  needed  in  avoid‐function  since  no  value  is  returned?Yes!What  if  a branch  of  an  if‐else  statement  requires  that  the function  ends  to  avoid  producing  more  output,  or  creating  a  mathematical  error? void‐function  in  next  example,  avoids  division  by  zero  with  a  return  statement

66 void outputDivide(intop1, intop2) {
if(op2 == 0) return; else cout<< (op1/op2) << endl; }

67 The  Main  Function The  main  function  in  a  program  is  used  like  av oid  function…do  you  have  to  end  the  program with  a   return‐statement?Because  the  main  functi on  is  defined  to  return  a  value  of  type  int,  the return  is  needed C++  standard  says  the  return  0  can  be  omitted,  but  many  compilers  still  require  it

68 Can  youDescribe  the  differences  between  void‐fu nctions  and  functions  that  return  one  value?
Tell  what  happens  if  you  forget  the  return‐statem ent  in  a  void‐function? Distinguish  between  functions  that  are  used  as expressions  and  those  used  as  statements? Return  value  the  other  returns  void  or  nothing

69 Call‐by‐Reference Parameters
Call‐by‐value  is  not  adequate  when  we  need  a  sub ‐task  to  obtain  input  values Call‐by‐value  means  that  the  formal  parameters  r eceive  the  values  of  the  arguments To  obtain  input  values,  we  need  to  change   the variables  that  are  arguments  to  the  functionR call  that  we  have  changed  the  values  of  formal parameters  in  a  function  body,  but  we  have  not changed  the  arguments  found  in  the  function  call Call‐by‐reference  parameters  allow  us  to  changet he  variable  used  in  the  function  callArguments  f or  call‐by‐reference  parameters  must  be  variables, not  numbers

70 Call‐by‐Reference Example
void square(int& aVar) { aVar*= aVar; cout<< "\tinside" << aVar<< endl; } ‘&’  symbol  (ampersand)  identifies  “a”  as  a  c all‐by‐reference  parameterUsed  in  both  decla ration  and  definition! The  book  places  the  ‘&’  at  the  end   of  the  formal  parameters  type,  but  it   may  be  placed  at  the  beginning  of  the variable  name I  like  the  book’s  style

71 Call‐By‐Reference Details
Compare  what  happens  with  pass‐by‐value   to  what  happens  with  pass‐by‐reference Call‐by‐reference  works  almost  as  if  the   argument  variable  is  substituted  for  the  for malparameter,  not  the  argument’s  value In  reality,  the  memory  location  of  the  arg umentvariable  is  given  to  the  formal  para meterWhatever  is  done  to  a  formal  para meter  in  the  function  body,  is  actually  do ne  to  the  value  at  the  memory  location   of  the  argument  variable

72 Call ComparisonsCall By Reference vsValue

73 Example:   swap void  swap(int&  variable1,  int&  variable2)  {inttemp  =  v ariable1;variable1  =  variable2;variable2  =  temp;} If  called  with   swap(num1,  num2); num1  is  substituted  for  variable1  in  the  parameter   list num2  is  substituted  for  variable2  in  the  parameter   list temp  is  assigned  the  value  of  variable1  (num1)  sinc e  the  next  line  will  loose  the  value  in  num1 variable1  (num1)  is  assigned  the  value  in  variable2   (num2) variable2  (num2)  is  assigned  the  original  value  of  vari able1  (num1)  which  was  stored  in  temp

74 Mixed  Parameter  Lists Call‐by‐value  and  call‐by‐reference  parameters  can  be   mixed  in  the  same  function Example:void getSubmarines(int& submarines, int& torpedos, intdepthCharges); submarinesand  torpedoesare  call‐by‐reference  formal  parametersChanges  in  submarinesand  torpedoschange  the  argument  variable depthChargesis  a  call‐by‐value  formal  parameterChanges  in  depthChargesdo  not  change  the  argument  variable Side  Note:  One  disadvantage  of  pass‐by‐value  is  that,   if  a  large  data  item  is  being  passed,  copying  that  data can  take  a  considerable  amount  of  execution  time   and  memory  space.

75 Choosing Parameter Types
How  do  you  decide  whether  a  call‐by‐referenceor   call‐by‐value  formal  parameter  is  needed?Does  the  f unction  need  to  change  the  value  of  the  variable  u sed  as  an  argument? Yes?    Use  a  call‐by‐reference  formal  parameter No?      Use  a  call‐by‐value  formal  parameter

76 Inadvertent Local Variables
If  a  function  is  to  change  the  value  of  a  variablethe   corresponding  formal  parameter  must  be  a  call‐by‐ref erence  parameter  with  an  ampersand  (&)  attached Forgetting  the  ampersand  (&)  creates  a  call‐by‐value   parameter The  value  of  the  variable  will  not  be  changed The  formal  parameter  is  a  local  variable  that  has  n oeffect  outside  the  function Hard  error  to  find…it  looks  right!

77 Can  youWrite  a  void‐function  definition  for  a  funct ion  calledzeroBoththat  has  two  reference  parameter s,  bothof  which  are  variables  of  type  int,  and  sets   the  valuesof  both  variables  to  0. Write  a  function  that  returns  a  value  and  has  a  ca ll‐by‐reference  parameter?   Write  a  function  with  both  call‐by‐value  and  call‐by ‐reference  parameters

78 Functions Calling Functions
A  function  body  may  contain  a  call  to  anotherfunctionThe  called  function  declaration  must  still  appearbefore  it  is  calledFunctions  cannot  be  defined  in  the  body  of  another  function Example: void  setDepthCharges(int&  submarines,  int&  torpedoes,  intdepthC harges)  { getSubsAndTorpedoes(submarines,  torpedoes);   for(inti=  0;  i<  depthCharges;  i++)  { inthitSub=  1  +  rand()  %  (submarines  *  2); if(hitSub<=  submarines)  { cout<<  "Submarine  "  <<  hitSub<<  "  has  been  hit  by  "; cout<<  "a  depth  charge\n"; }  else  { cout<<  "Depth  charge  "  <<  (i+1)  <<  "  missed.\n"; } } }

79 Case StudyGarage Pricing
Problem  definitionDetermine  the  parking  charge  for  3  cars  parked Flat  fee  of  $2.00  for  up  to  and  including  3  hour   of  parking Flat  fee  $10.00  for  a  car  parked  for  24  hoursNo  car  will  exceed  24  hours $0.50  charge  for  each  hour  or  part  of  an  hour  in  excess  of  three  hours InputThe  hours  that  each  car  was  parked  in  the  garage OutputThe  hours  for  each  car,  the  charge,  the  total  hours  and  the  total  charges  for  the  day

80 Garage Pricing:Problem Analysis
Three  main  subtasks Input  the  data Compute  the  charges  based  on  the  hours Output  the  results Each  task  can  be  implemented  with  a  functionNotic e  the  use  of  call‐by‐value  and  call‐by‐reference  para meters  in  the  following  function  declarations

81 Garage Pricing:The main function
With  the  functions  declared,  we  can  write  the  main   function: intmain()  { double  hours1; double  hours2; double  hours3; getHoursForCars(hours1,  hours2,  hours3); setDecimalFormat(); outputCharges(hours1,  hours2,  hours3); }

82 Algorithm Design calculateCharges
pseudocodefor  the  price  function if  hours  <=  3   return  $2.00 if  hours  ==  24 return  $10.00 otherwise return  2.00  +  roundup  (hours‐3)*0.50;

83 Coding The calculateChargesFunction
The  body  of  the  price  function double  calculateCharges(double  hours)  { if(hours  <=  3)  { return  2.0; }  else  if(hours  ==  24)  { return  10.0; }  else  { return  2.0  +  ceil(hours‐3.0)*.50; }

84 Garage Pricing :Program Testing
Testing  strategiesUse  data  that  tests  both  the  high   and  low  markup  cases Test  boundary  conditions,  where  the  program  is  ex pected  to  change  behavior  or  make  a  choice 3  hours,  4  hours  and  24  hours Test  for  exactly  4.5  hours  make  sure  your  program  is  rounding  up 3  =  2.00 4.5‐3  =  1.5 2*.5  =  1.00 Total  3.00

85 Can  youDefine  a  function  in  the  body  of  another   function?
Call  one  function  from  the  body  of  another  functi on? Give  preconditions  and  postconditions  for  the  pred efined  function  sqrt?

86 Testing and Debugging Functions
Each  function  should  be  tested  as  a  separate  unit Testing  individual  functions  facilitates  finding  mistakes   Driver  programs  allow  testing  of  individual  functions Once  a  function  is  tested,  it  can  be  used  in  the   driver  program  to  test  other  functions Function  getSubsAndTorpedoesis  tested  in  the  driver   program  

87 void  getSubsAndTorpedoes(int&  submarines,  int&  torpedoes)  ;
intmain()  { intsubmarines  =  0; inttorpedoes  =  0; intdepthCharges=  10; char  again  =  'Y'; while(toupper(again)  !=  'N')  { cout<<  "Type  integers  for  subs  and  torpedoes\n"; getSubsAndTorpedoes(submarines,  torpedoes); cout<<  "Subs  set  by  the  user  "  <<  submarines  <<  endl; cout<<  "Torpedoes  set  by  the  user  "  <<  torpedoes  <<  endl; cout<<  "Would  you  like  to  continue?\n"; cout<<  "Y  for  yes  and  N  for  no\n"; cin>>  again; } return  0; }

88 void  getSubsAndTorpedoes(int&  submarines,  int&  torpe does)  {
cin>>  submarines; cin>>  torpedoes; cout<<  "You  have  typed  "; cout<<  submarines  <<  "  submarines  and  "; cout<<  torpedoes  <<  "  torpedoes\n"; }

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