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Political Systems The purpose of government is to provide organization and security. People give up some of their right to be free and the government balances.

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Presentation on theme: "Political Systems The purpose of government is to provide organization and security. People give up some of their right to be free and the government balances."— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Systems The purpose of government is to provide organization and security. People give up some of their right to be free and the government balances equality so society may be orderly.

2 Freedom & Equality Economic freedom (capitalism)
Market economy Economic equality (Marxism, Communism) Command economy Individual freedom (liberty) Individual equality (community)

3 Freedom allows the individual to decide what to do, say, read, or watch and to make as much money as they want without the government interfering. Equality ensures the rights of the group are protected by the government intervening to ensure that all people follow the same rules and are provided with a basic living.

4 Five Ideologies Liberalism (classical and reform) Conservatism
Socialism Communism Fascism Ideology: A belief in how a government should operate.

5 Three Perspectives Philosophical Political Economic

6 Left Wing vs Right Wing or Progress vs Tradition Left Right
1. Philosophical: Left Wing vs Right Wing or Progress vs Tradition Left Communism--Socialism--Liberalism Right Conservatism--Fascism

7 Left - Right Left ________________________Right Conservatism Communism
Fascism Communism Socialism Liberalism

8 Left - Right in Canadian Politics
Communist NDP Green Liberals Bloc Quebecois Conservative

9 Democratic vs Totalitarian (Dictator)
2. Political: Democratic vs Totalitarian (Dictator) or Universal Suffrage vs Military Might Democratic Socialism--Liberalism--Conservatism Totalitarian (state total involvement) Communism--Fascism

10 Public vs Private Ownership or State Control vs Free Market Public
3. Economic: Public vs Private Ownership or State Control vs Free Market Public Communism--Socialism Private Liberalism--Conservatism--(Fascism)

11 Political Thinkers

12 1. Economic Systems

13 Adam Smith The Wealth of Nations, 1776
supply will match demand if left alone (laissez-faire) the “invisible hand” Thatcher and Reganomics right wing the less government the better Canadian Alliance, Conservative Party free enterprise, capitalist

14 Karl Marx, Frederick Engels Communist Manifesto, 1847
proletariat vs bourgeoisie economic equality only come about by violent overthrow of bosses by workers to each according to need, from each according to ability government would fade away

15 John Maynard Keynes liberalism deficit financing
government control of money supply government ensure economic equality Liberal and New Democratic Party

16 John Maynard Keynes Keynes most influential work was called "The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money," published in 1936 during the depths of the Great Depression Keynes' basic idea was simple. In order to keep people fully employed, governments have to run deficits when the economy is slowing. That's because the private sector won't invest enough. As their markets become saturated, businesses reduce their investments, setting in motion a dangerous cycle: less investment, fewer jobs, less consumption and even less reason for business to invest. The economy may reach perfect balance, but at a cost of high unemployment and social misery. Better for governments to avoid the pain in the first place by taking up the slack.

17 2. Political Systems

18 Edmund Burke traditional organization of politics and society must be preserved conservatism emphasis on tradition, with gradual and progressive change only

19 Robert Owen believe government itself could make individuals free
communities, not wealthy individuals or corporations, should own the means of production socialism New Democratic Party

20 Benito Mussolini & Adolf Hitler
fascism freedom only if it contributed to the good of the state the state above all military strength, fierce national pride economy while private directed to good of state

21 Economic Freedom/Equality
Liberalism Conservatism Socialism Communism Fascism Economic Equality Economic Freedom

22 Democracy Freedom of speech Free elections with universal suffrage
Variety of ideologies present Courts free from interference

23 Individual Freedom/Equality
Liberalism Conservatism Socialism Communism Fascism Individual Freedom Individual Equality

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