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LEP cryostat Procurement strategy and plans

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1 LEP cryostat Procurement strategy and plans
A. Vande Craen, C. Eymin, M. Moretti, D. Ramos CERN Internal review of IR2 LEP cryostats (WP11/WP5)– 17 May 2017

2 Summary Introduction Procurement strategy Main components
Plans and Schedule Conclusion A. Vande Craen

3 First unit to be assembled from November 2017
Introduction LEP composed of > 250 different components for a total of > 1800 pieces Ranging from standard screws to busbars not forgetting large machined plates and pressure vessel First unit to be assembled from November 2017 Series assembled through 2018 A. Vande Craen

4 Procurement strategy and plans
A. Vande Craen

5 H-beam plates Specific Procured through EN-MME
Stainless steel 304L Tight tolerances (flatness <= 0.2 mm/m) Large dimensions < 0.1 % cobalt content Procured through EN-MME Due to tight tolerances, will be manufactured in house Delivery of first unit Mid-October 2017 A. Vande Craen

6 Shuffling module Specific Procured by TE-MSC-CMI
3 types Magnet side (identical for Type A and B) Type A, LEN side Type B, LEN side Pressure bearing assembly Tight tolerances < 0.1 % cobalt content Procured by TE-MSC-CMI Specification ready, IT will follow Delivery of first unit expected Mid-October 2017 A. Vande Craen

7 Small machined components
Specific Flanges in 316LN, 3D forged (EDMS ) Other components in 304L <0.1 % Cobalt content Procured through EN-MME (subcontracting) Drawings finished end of May Delivery of first unit expected October 2017 A. Vande Craen

8 Follow-up by TE-MSC-CMI From CERN store
Pipes Specific 4 different diameters (M, N, X, V’ lines) 3 standards 1 non-standard (X line) According to specification EDMS Follow-up by TE-MSC-CMI From CERN store A. Vande Craen

9 Designed and manufactured by TE-MSC-LMF
Busbars Designed and manufactured by TE-MSC-LMF Delivered with supports and insulation First set ready for October 2017 (see R. Principe’s presentation) A. Vande Craen

10 LHC standard components
Type Cold bores Support posts (fixed and sliding) Interconnection flanges Bellows In stock A. Vande Craen

11 Standard components Type Follow-up by TE-MSC-CMI
Screws, nuts, washers Taps O-rings Braids Follow-up by TE-MSC-CMI List finished end of May Procurement in the shadow of other components A. Vande Craen

12 MLI Specific Contract follow up by TE-MSC-CMI
Contract will include design and manufacture According to CERN specification Contract follow up by TE-MSC-CMI Specification ready, IT will follow Delivery of first unit expected October 2017 A. Vande Craen

13 Vacuum vessel Specific In combination with 11T cryostats
2 types (Type A and Type B) In combination with 11T cryostats Contract follow up by TE-MSC-CMI (M. Struik) Contract placed Delivery of first unit expected end of October 2017 A. Vande Craen

14 Bottom tray Specific Contract follow up by TE-MSC-CMI
First unit machined at CERN DR created for series In combination with 11T bottom trays Contract follow up by TE-MSC-CMI Delivery of first unit expected end of October 2017 A. Vande Craen

15 Schedule summary A. Vande Craen

16 Conclusion A. Vande Craen

17 Conclusion Procurement strategy and roles well defined
Follow-up of so many components is challenging Ready for assembly of first unit in November 2017 Ready for series production in January 2018 Last components at CERN in April 2018 A. Vande Craen

18 Thank you ! A. Vande Craen

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