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How to Improve Timed Writing Responses

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1 How to Improve Timed Writing Responses

2 Our First Prompt In literary works, a symbol is an object, action, or event that represents an abstract idea or creates a range of associations beyond itself. Read the following passages from Yann Martel’s Life of Pi and consider what Richard Parker symbolizes. Then write a well-developed essay in which you explain what the symbol of Richard Parker reveals about the theme of Life of Pi. Do not merely summarize the plot. You may want to consider literary devices such as point of view, diction, syntax, imagery, or detail.

3 Analyzing the Prompt Highlight or draw a box around the section of the prompt that explains what you will have to do. Hint: Look for the word “then” and whatever follows it! Reduce the prompt into a question that you will attempt to answer.

4 Get to the heart of the matter:
In literary works, a symbol is an object, action, or event that represents an abstract idea or creates a range of associations beyond itself. Read the following passages from Yann Martel’s Life of Pi and consider what Richard Parker symbolizes. Then write a well-developed essay in which you explain what the symbol of Richard Parker reveals about the theme of Life of Pi. Do not merely summarize the plot. You may want to consider literary devices such as point of view, diction, syntax, imagery, or detail.

5 What is a SYMBOL?

6 Breaking down the prompt:
A symbol is an object, action, or event that represents something or that creates a range of associations beyond itself. In literary works a symbol can express an idea, clarify meaning, or enlarge literal meaning. When analyzing a symbol, you must consider what that symbol represents. What does it mean beyond just the object or character, itself?

7 Prompt: Break it down Consider Richard Parker as a symbol. What does Richard Parker symbolize? Richard Parker is more than just a tiger. What ideas does Richard Parker represent?

8 Richard Parker = Symbol

9 Richard Parker as a SYMBOL
The “Wild” Survival Skills Insatiable Hunger The beast; inhuman “the animal inside” Predator Ability to kill Something contained or controlled Ferociousness/ savagery Faith

10 Rephrase as a question:
What does Richard Parker reveal about the theme of the novel? You will need to discuss the following in your essay: What is the theme of the novel? AND How does Richard Parker reveal that theme?

11 Theme Remember that a theme is a statement that reveals a truth – a truth about life, humanity, society, the world, etc. Theme should be conveyed as a thematic statement (not just a topic), so think of a complete sentence – not one word. A theme should be universal. This means it can be applied to other books, films, poems, etc. It will not include specifics like character’s names, plot details.

12 Theme – an example from Landscape with the Fall of Icarus
NOT a theme: Theme! Death NOTE: Death is a “thematic idea” or “topic,” but NOT a “thematic statement.” What is the painting saying about death? What is the overall message? In Landscape with the Fall of Icarus, Brueghel reveals that life continues on, even in the face of death. Notice that this is a complete sentence! It is a statement about what the artist is communicating about the idea of death.

13 Thesis Statement Your thesis is a 1-2 sentence statement that declares the purpose of your essay. In analytical essays, you are typically trying to persuade the reader that your analysis of the tone or theme is supported by the text. In a timed writing, your thesis should address the prompt. Thesis Template: In Life of Pi by Yann Martel, Richard Parker symbolizes ____________________________________, revealing ______________________________________. the idea Richard Parker represents thematic statement

14 One Possible Organization Strategy
I. One sentence opening + Thesis Statement II. Paragraph #1: Answer Question 1 (What does RP symbolize? ) Flesh out the paragraph by explaining how literary devices in the text establish the symbol. III. Paragraph #2, 3, etc.: Answer Question 2 with multiple examples (What does the symbol reveal about the theme?) Be sure to refer to moments from the passage (or other places in the novel) that support your claim.

15 Another Way to Organize
I. One sentence opening + Thesis Statement II. Paragraph 1/2: Explain how the symbol is created through as specific device (perhaps diction). Each paragraph can delve into a separate example from the text. III. Paragraph 3/4: Explain how the symbol is linked to another device (perhaps a motif of faith or questioning reality). IV. Paragraph 5: Write a concluding paragraph that shows how the symbolism of Richard Parker reveals the theme of the novel. State the theme AS A SENTENCE.

16 Scoring Notes An 8 or 9 is very difficult to achieve as a sophomore writer; an appropriate goal would be earning in the 5-6 range at this point in the year, moving to solid 6-7’s by the end of the year. Essays that only summarize the plot will score a 1 or 2 (on that 9 point scale). Your essay must involve some level of analysis (not summary!) to be minimally successful. Lack of evidence will result in a score of 3 or lower. You must incorporate direct quotations from the passage and embed them into your response to earn a 4 or higher.

17 Timed Writings v. Idea Books
No time for a long introduction. Your thesis may serve as your intro. (Stronger essays may have a 1-sentence lead-in to the thesis.) There’s no such thing as a perfect timed writing – it will be in rough draft form. Just do your best. Use single-line cross-outs when you need to make a change. You get one shot (40 minutes) to articulate your ideas as clearly as possible. Citations are quick (line # is fine). The introduction is CRUCIAL. This sets the tone for the piece and draws the reader into the thesis. This piece has gone through the writing process. All mechanical errors should be eradicated during the proofreading process. Strong Idea Books show POLISH. You should take each piece through the entire process, focusing on multiple revisions and edits. In-text citations and Works Cited pages are a must.

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