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Presentation on theme: "PERU POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT"— Presentation transcript:

Maria Lopez

2 REPUBLIC OF PERU President: Alberto Fujimori (1990)
Prime Minister: Alberto Bustamante Belaunde Area: 1, sq. km Population (1999): Capital and longest city: Lima Monetary Unit: Nuevo Sol (1991)

3 INTRODUCTION Impoverished country European conquest traumatic event
constant insecurity Different policies and regimes applied

1970S, highlanders moved to Lima 1980, accelerated process ( Shining Path) 1992 one-third part of the population of the state lived in Lima

5 1990.- Rebound to Peruvian politics and society, result of:
Historic shift in its demographics and Limas racial composition Dissafectation of Peruvians with their political institutions Gradual desintegration of the state Increasing class division Antipathy within Peru’s multiethnic society

6 FUJIMORI Fujimori won the election in 1990 by 20 percent.
Electoral results reflects a total disatisfaction and lack of faith Support by black and Indian Peruvians.

7 ECONOMY Corruption, economic chaos, guerrilla warfare and drug trafficking. GNP shrank and inflation rate 7,6% Free market -system and appeal to international lenders Deregulated and decentrilized the economy Inflation rate began to slow

8 TERRORISM Shinning Path most serious problem
Rural residents caught between two armies: Major motivation for Fujimori’s military-backed selfcoup on April 5, 1992. Dissolved the congress and suspended the national constitution Armed peasants

9 SELF-COUP Step forward
Congress and Courts seen as corrupt and detached from the people crisis of representation Reformed version of Peru’s short-lived democracy Reformed & modernized the whole political system Decentralization and desconcentration of power New Constitution, May 1993

10 Refused offer of $36 million for drug interdiction
Economic greatly improved Capture leader of the Shining Path Fujimori re-elected in April 1995 Dec 1996, Tapuc Amaru

11 ACTUAL SITUATION Critics to Fujimori’s administration
1997, disastrous effects of El Niño Fujimori´s popularity flagged Economy bigger doubt Weakness of his opponents

1. Social democratizacion 2. Economic modernization 3. Legitimacion of the state

13 1. Social democratization
Citizens equals with the same opportunities Competition in the Marketplace Access to political power unclear: Political parties not respond citizens’ problems & social demands Large number of independent political leaders

14 2. Economic modernization
Process slow and uneven. New pattern of accumulation Transparent, decentralized and participatory political regime

15 Legitimation of the State
Fundamental prerequisite Population need to identify with the state Mechanics to control exercise of power and public authority Efficacy in confronting the economic crisis and social desintegration Judicial and legislative handicaps must be corrected

16 CONCLUSION Solution: Obstacles: democratization modernization
legitimation Obstacles: divided society terrorism economic policies lack of confidence & no national identification


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