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CHAPTER 4 Free Time Common Holidays 增城市职业技术学校 黎喜欢.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 4 Free Time Common Holidays 增城市职业技术学校 黎喜欢."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHAPTER 4 Free Time Common Holidays 增城市职业技术学校 黎喜欢

2 Tasks Review vocabulary about months
Brainstorm on traditional Chinese holidays Present pictures Fill and choose the suitable answer Game --“the quickest responder” Write sentences according to the pictures Summary & Homework

3 01

4 How many months in a year?
What are they? January May September February June October March July November April August December

5 02

6 Traditional Chinese holidays
What traditional Chinese holidays do you know? Children's Day …… Traditional Chinese holidays Spring festival Women's Day

7 03

8 Text January 1 New Year's Day

9 Text February 14 Valentine's Day

10 April 10 Spring Break

11 Memorial Day,原名纪念日或悼念日,是美国的一个纪念日,悼念在各战争中阵亡的美军官兵。于每年5月的最后一个星期一。全国悼念时间于华盛顿时间下午3时开始。
May 31 Memorial Day

12 July 4 Independence Day

13 October 31 Halloween

14 November 25 Thanksgiving

15 December the holidays

16 December 31 New Year's Eve

17 04

18 What did Jessica do on ? New Year’s Day A. Go skiing B. Go boating

19 What did Jessica do on ? Valentine's Day A. Go shopping B. Go dancing

20 What did Jessica do on ? Spring Break A. Go sightseeing B. Go fishing

21 B. Go boating and fishing
What did Jessica do on ? Memorial Day A. Go hiking and camping B. Go boating and fishing

22 What did Jessica do on ? Independence Day A. Go sailing B. Go swimming

23 What did Jessica do on ? A. Go to a costume party
Halloween A. Go to a costume party B. Go to a wedding party

24 What did Jessica do on ? A. Go to a family party
Thanksgiving A. Go to a family party B. Go to a farewell party

25 What did Jessica do on ? A. Decorate office B. Decorate house
the holidays A. Decorate office B. Decorate house

26 B. Go to a street festival
What did Jessica do on ? New Year's Eve A. Go to a bar festival B. Go to a street festival

27 05

28 What did Jessica do on New Year’s Day?
Go skiing

29 What did Jessica do on Valentine's Day?
Go dancing

30 What did Jessica do on Spring Break?
Go sightseeing

31 What did Jessica do on Memorial Day?
Go hiking and camping

32 What did Jessica do on Independence Day?
Go swimming

33 What did Jessica do on Halloween?
Go to a costume party

34 What did Jessica do on Thanksgiving?
Go to a family party

35 What did Jessica do on the holidays?
Decorate house

36 What did Jessica do on New Year's Eve?
Go to a street festival

37 06

38 She went skiing at Big Bear Mountain on New Year’s Day.

39 She went dancing on Valentine’s Day.

40 During spring break, she went sightseeing in San Francisco.

41 She went hiking and camping on Memorial Day.

42 She went swimming at Malibu Beach on Independence Day.

43 On Halloween she went to a costume party.

44 On Thanksgiving she went to a family part at her aunt’s house.

45 She also helped decorate her aunt’s house for the holidays in December.

46 On New Year’s Eve she saw a concert and a fireworks show at the street festival.

47 07

48 I ate dumplings on New Year's Day!
作业:“微信控” 把自己在节日里的照片上传到朋友圈,并配上句子,上传至自己的微信朋友圈,与大家分享。要求有与主题相关的评论,评论和转发最多者为本次作业的优胜者。 I ate dumplings on New Year's Day!

49 THANK YOU 增城市职业技术学校 黎喜欢

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