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TUSK - Faculty Overview

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1 TUSK - Faculty Overview

2 Tufts University Sciences Knowledgebase (TUSK):
A “complete system” of education software Shared with seven institutions nationally and internationally Combines very powerful content, knowledge and course management within a highly flexible, extensible, and portable infrastructure Includes numerous content development and management tools, as well as personalized user tools

3 General information Describe your course material:
Create and modify course objectives Outline the attendance and grading policies for the course Define a reading list Provide information on tutoring services Obtain useful feedback from course evaluations

4 Content Upload and manage course content:
Upload PDF and MS Word, PPT, and Excel documents Create and load .html files and existing web pages Upload images and movies Upload audio files Link content files to and from other courses

5 Communication Communicate with your students:
Set up announcements for the course Start a discussion board and create an online forum to foster ideas and generate interest Send out group for quick notification of new changes

6 Manage Manage groups and assignments:
Manage faculty and staff authors for course content Manage students and groups within your course Identify assignments and grading criteria

7 Interactive Create interactive exercises:
Create student quizzes for self-assessment or as part of your grading criteria Create interactive case studies to help students approach real-life situations

8 Tracking Track course materials
See the number of pages views over a given timeframe See the number of visitors to your course pages

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