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Day 54 –LOTF Group discussion 9+10 and 3rd quiz, Irony in “The Sniper”

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Presentation on theme: "Day 54 –LOTF Group discussion 9+10 and 3rd quiz, Irony in “The Sniper”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 54 –LOTF Group discussion 9+10 and 3rd quiz, Irony in “The Sniper”

2 LOTF Group discussion 9+10 Irony Notes “The Sniper” Closure
Agenda Warm Up LOTF quiz LOTF Group discussion 9+10 Irony Notes “The Sniper” Closure

3 Objectives Homework LotF chapters 9-12 quiz Welcome back to class!
Understand and identify the use of irony in “The Sniper.” Evaluate the text for thematic elements and discuss the role symbolism plays in the understanding of theme. LotF chapters 9-12 quiz

4 Warm Up- Irony? Write your definition of irony on the page.
Give one example of an event that you would consider to be ironic. Explain how it fits your definition.

5 Lord of the Flies Quiz Chapter 9-12

6 Lotf 9-12 quiz – 15 min. Take out your laptops and click on the link.
You are allowed to use your books on the quiz. No talking during the quiz. When finished, close your laptops.

7 Lord of the Flies Discussion
Chapters 9+10

8 Get into your 4 person groups
Just like your passage packets, we will be discussing the LotF. Take out your books and remove everything else from your desk. In your groups, complete and discuss each annotation objective on the next slide. Focus on the symbolic meaning present in the book. Share your interpretations. Make sure you have your computer to view the objectives.

9 Chapter 9: A View to a Death 
On page 145, Golding describes the weather on the island. Highlight imagery used to show how the island is responding to the boys. In the margins, identify the significant literary device that Golding uses in his description. Make a prediction about what the weather may symbolize and why.   On pages , Simon, in a weakened state, learns the truth about the beast. Underline lines from the text that explain what Simon encounters. In the margins, compose a brief summary about the "truth" that Simon discovers and compose a brief analysis of the significance of this realization.  On pages , the boys become caught up in another pig hunt reenactment. At one point, they see a "blue white scar" coming toward them. Highlight details that show how the boys react to this approaching "beast." On a sticky note, write a brief summary of the events that occur in this scene. Then, write a single statement about what this scene says about the boys.  

10 Chapter 10: The Shell and the Glasses  
Pg. 57 - Ralph and Piggy are now on their own with some of the littluns. In the beginning of the chapter, we see Ralph try to come to terms with the events that occurred at the end of Chapter 9. Ralph and Piggy have different ways of coping with the realization of what they've done. In the margins, compare how Ralph views their actions as opposed to how Piggy views what they’ve done.  Pg. 168 - Ralph and his camp are attacked in the middle of the night. In the margins, write a statement that summarizes or analyzes the following:       a) who their attackers were       b) what they took       c) why this object is important to Jack 

11 Irony







18 The Sniper

19 Background This story is set in Dublin, Ireland, in the 1920s, during a time of civil war. Republicans: desired all of Ireland to be totally free from British rule. Free Staters: desired compromise with Britain. The Irish Civil war tore families apart: child against parent, sister against sister, and brother against brother.

20 The Sniper – Individual Practice
Read and annotate the sniper for elements of fiction: Plot elements – Separate the story by plot element. Theme – Write a theme statement at the end. Characterization – Annotate for the main character. What do you know about him? Symbolism - Irony – Which type of irony is being used? Why is this effective? Point of View – Which POV is being utilized? Why? Fill out the worksheet while you are reading.

21 Point of View Point of View: the perspective, or outlook, from which a writer tells a story. Third person limited: restricted to one character (the Republican sniper) and observes only what he sees, hears, feels, or does. Other types: First person: the narrator tells the story from his own point of view, saying “I did this” or “I did that.” Second person: the book itself addresses the reader, as if the reader is an active character in the book. For example, “You are walking down the street.” Third person omniscient: narrator can see everything and everywhere, even relating the thoughts of all of the characters.

22 Irony Irony: a contrast in expectations and reality.
The irony of “The Sniper” is situational. Situational irony: an event occurs that contradicts the expectations of the reader. Neither the reader nor the Republican sniper expects the two snipers to be brothers fighting against each other.

23 Theme One of the possible themes of “The Sniper” is that war has no boundaries.

24 Write: 3 things you learned about characterization today.
Closure - 3,2,1 Write: 3 things you learned about characterization today. 2 examples of Gerund phrases. 1 question you have regarding the lecture.

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