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The CSI Effect in the Court Systems

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1 The CSI Effect in the Court Systems
Lori Hadley

2 The CSI Effect defined The phenomenon in which jurors hold unrealistic expectations of forensic evidence and investigation techniques, and have an increased interest in the discipline of forensic evidence and investigation techniques, and have an increased interest in the discipline of forensic science because of the influence of the CSI-type television shows

3 Causes Five of the Top Ten television programs were about scientific evidence in criminal cases The more a person watches a show, the one they believe it to be real

4 Who is Affected in the Court Room
Jurors Prosecutors Criminals

5 What is Affected in the Court Room
Ability to administer justice fairly Challenge cherish practices of the American system of trial by jury More acquittals Higher standard of proof than traditional beyond a reasonable doubt

6 Why is it a problem High chance of someone have the CSI effect
Criminals are aware of forensic evidence Makes it more difficult to convict criminals Makes it more difficult to investigate crimes Leads to more criminals being acquitted, which puts the public in danger

7 Recommendation Method of voir dire
Set of instructions to help the jury panel Only opening and closing arguments are made Screening possible jurors for potential CSI effect issues Pre-screening test to ensure the individual is fit to be a juror Mock jury to ensure fairness

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