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BPPV and Vestibular Rehab Therapy

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1 BPPV and Vestibular Rehab Therapy
Christopher Lambaren, PT, DPT

2 Anatomy of Vestibular System

3 BPPV: signs and symptoms
Vertigo, nystagmus, nausea, and vomiting Duration generally less than seconds Typically described as being brought on by very specific head movements (looking up, rolling over in bed, etc) Can also cause dizziness, lightheadedness, and general imbalance

4 Vestibular Weakness: signs and symptoms
Acute onset of prolonged vertigo, spontaneous nystagmus, imbalance with tendency to fall towards affected side, and nausea/vomiting Hearing loss might be involved Usually lasts hrs then left with impaired balance and possible oscillopsia

5 BPPV: exam/special tests
Dix-Hallpike test: Patient begins in long sitting Rotate head 45 degrees towards side being tested Quickly bring them back onto table with head off edge of table (~20 degrees of ext) still rotated Positive if nystagmus is upbeating and torsional towards downward ear

6 BPPV: exam/special tests
Supine roll test Supine, head flexed 20 degrees Head turned to one side quickly and observed for nystagmus Head slowly returned to neutral position. Repeat to other side Positive if horizontal nystagmus beating downward towards affected ear

7 Vestibular Weakness: exam/special tests
Caloric testing (VNG) VOR testing Balance assessment, Fukuda Step test HINTS exam (hrs/days of vertigo and spontaneous nystagmus) Head Impulse (abnormal is good) Nystagmus (unidirectional-good, bidirectional-not) Test for Skew (no vertical skew)

8 BPPV: interventions Epley manuever
Same start position as Dix Hallpike test Head turned towards affected ear Lie pt. back quickly with head into extension off table (20 degrees) keeping head rotated Rotate head slowly to opposite side Roll onto side opposite affected ear keeping head rotated Sit up from sidelying with head rotated and chin tucked into shoulder

9 BPPV: interventions Log roll maneuver
Begin with pt. supine with head turned so affected ear is down Slowly turn head to neutral (hold sec) Slowly continue rolling head until affected ear is up (hold sec) Continuing rolling head and body until their face is down (hold sec) Continuing rolling same direction until back to starting position

10 Vestibular Weakness: interventions
Initially vestibular suppressants and bed rest After initial onset then: Compensation (brain) Habituation (dizziness from movement or visual stimuli) Adaptation (change activity/lifestyle)

11 Resources

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