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University entrance requirements

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1 University entrance requirements
and study programmes

2 What do UK students require?
3 A-Level and 5 GCSEs (taken at 16). BTEC – diplomas can also qualify you to upgrade to BA or BSc. Foundation programmes at a uni – esp. in Art and Design /Science ( both at an FE college and at Uni) International Baccalaureate – 5 sub Could be 2 A-lavels Bac incl Sci and lang

3 A level tariffs Points are awarded for the “pass’ – Grade A is given more but a “D” less. DMU was using a ‘lower tariff but we are slowly moving up the scale and demanding higher qualifications.

4 Getting accepted Apply via central body UCAS List of 4-6 unis
Visit before on open days Maybe interview or performance in front of tutors Conditional or unconditional offers

5 Funding HEFC if the government body that awards money AND they used to say which level could apply to uni. BUT… now St with A/B can apply and quotas being phasing out ….. Smaller amount £ Student fees introduced…… £9K

6 Typical Study Programme
Typically 3 years for a BA or BSc. Normally first year (level 4)= 4 compulsory modules totalling 120 credits. 4x or 3x30 + 2x15 Thereafter – ‘electives’ at Level 5 and 6 (years 2/3) Most modules run year-long – Erasmus affected. 360 credits = degree awarded

7 Teaching Changed over the years = receive 8+ hours per week
Lectures or seminar workshops. Lecturers: Student relationship VLE supports teaching. but more if doing practical subjects requiring use of workshop or laboratory. Sometimes a faculty lecture is one hour (with big numbers) but then followed by a subject specific seminar group of often on first name terms with students.

8 Types of Assessment Essays Reports Case studies
Long and short dissertations Project or Lab work Practical work / Performance Reflective journals Posters Portfolios Tests/ exams Presentations

9 English National Curriculum
Information- processing skills: Reasoning skills enable learners to – Find and collect relevant information Organise information Sort / classify / sequence info Compare / contrast information Identify and analyse relationships Represent or communicate information enable learners to – Give reasons for opinions / actions Infer from observations, facts, experience Make conclusions Argue or explain a point of view Make informed judgments / decisions from evidence Use precise language to explain what they think Explain cause and effect

10 English National Curriculum
Enquiry skills: Creative thinking skills enable learners to – Ask relevant questions Define problems Plan what to do and how to research Predict outcomes Anticipate consequences Test conclusions Improve ideas enable learners to – Generate ideas Develop ideas Imagine or hypothesize Apply imagination Looking for innovative solutions Think of alternative outcomes

11 Thinking skills in the English National Curriculum
Evaluation skills: enable learners to – Judge the value of what they hear, say, read, write and do Develop evaluation criteria for judging the value of their own and others' work or ideas Apply evaluation criteria Have confidence in their judgments Make recommendations

12 Mark Descriptors The descriptors listed below are used across the entire University. Subject-specific assessment criteria are given on the English Assessment Feedback Form and in module handbooks. Pass mark = 40 UG 70+ is distinction The descriptors are inter-related: with regard to marks of 40 and above there is an assumption that in awarding marks in one band work will have met the requirements of the previous band; with regard to marks of 39 and below there is an assumption that in awarding marks in one band work will NOT have met the requirements of the previous higher band.

13 90-100 Responds to all of the assessment criteria for the task. Displays exceptional degree of originality. Exceptional analytical, problem-solving and/or creative skills No fault can be found with the work other than very minor errors, for example minor typographical issues

14 80-89 Responds to all of the assessment criteria for the task.
Work of outstanding quality, evidenced by an ability to engage critically and analytically with source material. Likely to exhibit independent lines of argument. Highly original and/or creative responses. Extremely wide range of relevant sources used where appropriate

15 70-79 60-69 Responds to most of the assessment criteria for the task. A detailed response demonstrating a thorough grasp of theory, understanding of concepts, principles, methodology and content. Clear evidence of insight and critical judgement in selecting, ordering and analysing content. Demonstrates ability to synthesise material, to construct responses and demonstrate creative skills which reveal insight and may offer some originality. Draws on an appropriate range of properly referenced sources Responds to all of the assessment criteria for the task. An extremely, well developed response showing clear knowledge and the ability to interpret and/or apply that knowledge. An authoritative grasp of the subject, significant originality and insight, Significant evidence of ability to sustain an argument, to think analytically, critically and/or creatively and to synthesise material. Evidence of extensive study, appropriate to task.

16 50-59% 40-49% Responds to most of the assessment criteria for the task. An effective response demonstrating evidence of a clear grasp of relevant material, principles and key concepts An ability to construct and organise arguments. Some degree of critical analysis, insight and creativity. Demonstrating some conceptual ability, critical analysis and a degree of insight. Accurate, clearly written/presented Responds to some of the assessment criteria for the task. A response demonstrating an understanding of basic points and principles sufficient to show that some of learning outcomes/assessment criteria have been achieved at a basic level. Suitably organised work demonstrating a reasonable level of understanding Covers the basic subject matter and is appropriately presented but is rather too derivative and insufficiently analytical. Demonstrates limited conceptual ability, levels of evaluation and demonstration of creative skills. Demonstrates adherence to the referencing conventions appropriate to subject and/or task.

17 30-39% 20-29% Overall insufficient response to the assessment criteria. A weak response, which, while addressing some elements of the task, contains significant gaps and inaccuracies. Indicates an answer that shows only weakly developed elements of understanding and/or other skills appropriate to the task. May contain weaknesses in presentation that constitute a significant obstacle in communicating meaning to the assessor. Overall insufficient response to the assessment criteria. A poor response, which falls substantially short of achieving the learning outcomes. Demonstrates little knowledge and/or other skills appropriate to the task Little evidence of argument and/or coherent use of material

18 Postgraduate courses MA or MSc – apparently you earn more if you study for MSc so many programmes are MSc now!! Usually a one-year programme – much harder than UG – 10hours/week and all year long – Oct to Early September of following year. (Dissertation/major project+ 60cr) 60 credits = PG Certificate 90= PG Diploma 180 = MA

19 Other PG routes MPhil - long dissertation over maybe 2 years
PhD – 3 years +

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