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Chapter 15 Populations.

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1 Chapter 15 Populations

2 Section 1 Population- all the individuals of a species that live together in one place at one time

3 Demography- statistical study of populations

4 A) Population Size- The number of individuals in a population.
Key Features A) Population Size- The number of individuals in a population. --very small populations are more likely to become extinct and experience inbreeding


6 B) Population density- number of individuals that live in a given area
--affects reproduction


8 C) Dispersion- the way individuals of the population are arranged in a space
3 Types

9 Random

10 Even

11 Clumped

12 Growth rate- difference between the birth rate and death rate

13 Immigration – Organisms moving into a population
Emigration – Organisms moving out of a population

14 Exponential Growth Curve- rate of population growth stays the same, population size increases steadily. Produces a J-shaped curve.



17 Carrying capacity- population size that an environment can sustain (K)-based on resources

18 Density-Dependent Factors- a variable affected by the number of organisms present in a given area (resources)


20 Logistic Growth Curve- takes into account declining resources.
Produces an S-shaped curve


22 Density-Independent Factors- variables that affects a population regardless of the population density (climate, weather, etc.)





27 r-strategists- species adapted for living in an environment where changes are rapid and unpredictable.


29 Capybara World’s largest rodent 300 lbs., 2 ft. tall

30 exponential population growth (insects, plants, bacteria)
Characterized by: rapid growth high fertility short life span small body size exponential population growth (insects, plants, bacteria)

31 k-strategists- species characterized by slow maturation, few young, slow population growth, reproduction late in life and population density near carrying capacity


33 How Populations Evolve
Section 2 How Populations Evolve

34 Hardy-Weinberg Principle- frequencies of alleles in a population do not change unless evolutionary forces act on the population

35 Evolutionary Forces 1) Mutation- very slow

36 2) Gene flow- the movement of individuals to or from a population (Migration)

37 3) Nonrandom mating- inbreeding

38 4) Genetic drift- The frequency of an allele in a population is greatly changed by a chance event (fire, landslide)


40 5) Natural Selection – Survival of the fittest (Charles Darwin)




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