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38th LNF Scientific Committee for the AMADEUS collaboration

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1 38th LNF Scientific Committee for the AMADEUS collaboration
Status report 38th LNF Scientific Committee May 11, 2009 Johann Zmeskal for the AMADEUS collaboration 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

2 38 LNF - Scientific Committee
AMADEUS at DANE Antikaon Matter At DANE: Experiments with Unraveling Spectroscopy 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

3 38 LNF - Scientific Committee
The scientific case of the so-called “deeply bound kaonic nuclear states” is hotter than ever, both in the theoretical (intensive debate) and experimental sectors. What emerges is the strong need for a complete experimental study of the scientific case, i.e. a clear and clean experiment (so without the need to make hypothesis on involved physics processes), measuring kaonic clusters both in formation and in the decay processes. AMADEUS’s main aim is to perform the first full acceptance, high precision measurement of DBKNS both in formation and in the decay processes, by implementing the KLOE detector with an inner AMADEUS-dedicated setup, containing a cryogenic target and a trigger system (and an inner tracker in a second phase). 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

4 38 LNF - Scientific Committee
Either situations: EXISTENCE or NON-EXISTENCE of the deeply bound kaonic nuclear clusters will have strong impact in kaon-nucleon/nuclei physics!!! 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

5 Production methods of antikaon-mediated bound nuclear cluster
stopped K- reactions on light nuclei in-flight K- reactions protons on proton (or light nuclei) heavy ion collisions  necessary: dedicated experiments exclusive measurement 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

6 38 LNF - Scientific Committee
Planned experiments the future experiments in Japan at J-PARC will produce kaonic nuclear states only with K--induced reactions in- flight (E15; E17) alternative approaches followed at GSI with FOPI using proton-nucleus collisions at beam energies close to the strangeness production threshold and with nucleus- nucleus collisions a dedicated facility – AMADEUS at DANE will study antikaon-mediated bound nuclear systems with K- induced reactions at rest 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

7 Experimental programme AMADEUS phase-1 (1)
study of the (most) fundamental antikaon deeply bound nuclear systems, the kaonic dibaryon states: ppK- and (pnK-) produced in a 3He gas target, in formation and decay processes as next step, the kaonic 3-baryon states: ppnK- and pnnK- produced in a 4He gas target, in formation and decay processes 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

8 Experimental programme AMADEUS phase-1 (2)
Low-energy charged kaon cross section on p, d, He-3 and He-4, for K- momentum lower than 100 MeV/c (missing today); The K- nuclear interactions in Helium (poorly known – based on one paper from 1970 …) Properties of L and charged S´s for example decays in channels with a neutrino → astrophysics implications (cooling of compact stars) Resonance states as L(1405) or the S(1385) could be better understood with high statistics; their behaviour in nuclear medium can be studied, too. 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

9 Analysis of a sub-set of the KLOE data
(Oton Vazquez Doce) excellent feasibility test 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

10 38 LNF - Scientific Committee
AMADEUS plans AMADEUS phase-1: start after KLOE-2 step0 (2011), with the study of di- and tri-baryon kaonic nuclei and low-energy kaon-nucleon/nuclei interactions AMADEUS phase-2: after 2012 , higher integrated luminosity, refined study of di- and tri-baryon kaonic nuclei; extend to other nuclei, …. 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

11 38 LNF - Scientific Committee
AMADEUS setup 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

12 38 LNF - Scientific Committee
KLOE 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

13 38 LNF - Scientific Committee
KLOE 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

14 38 LNF - Scientific Committee
AMADEUS – version 2 Tracking device: TPC-GEM or 3-4 C-GEMs Kaon trigger: Scint. fibers with SiPMs Target system: cylindrical cryogenic cell in vacuum chamber 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

15 38 LNF - Scientific Committee
AMADEUS activities KLOE data - feasibility analyses EU – Hadron Physics 2 AMADEUS physics case and setup definition; MCarlo simulations R&D for AMADEUS setup: SiPM and TPC – GEM Slow Controls and DAQ – with KLOE Neutron efficiency of KLOE Calorimeter - KLONE Agreement between KLOE and AMADEUS 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

16 EU 7th Framework Programme
Activities within the EU 7th Framework Programme Hadron Physics 2 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

17 38 LNF - Scientific Committee
SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME Capacities Specific Programme Research Infrastructures Networking Activities Transnational Access Activities Joint Research Activities 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

18 Low Energy Antikaon-Nucleon (Nucleus) Interaction Studies



21 JointGEM Ultra-light and ultra-large tracking system based on GEM technology WP 24

22 38 LNF - Scientific Committee
JointGEM OBJECTIVES The next generation of experiments in hadron physics aims at studying rare processes with drastically improved sensitivity. The technical requirements to reach this goal include high beam intensities and luminosities, fast detectors with large acceptance and high resolution. KLOE2 and AMADEUS at DAFNE-LNF, Frascati, Italy, and PANDA and CBM at FAIR, Darmstadt, Germany. An essential part of all these experiments is a detector for charged particles with excellent tracking capabilities covering large areas or volumes with an extremely low material budget in order not to spoil the energy and mass resolution of the apparatus. 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

23 GEM – TPC working places
General: Material tests (Aging, Geometry) Resistors: Concept Availability, Delivery QA & Selection GEM: (2C) Outgasing/Aging (GRP support) Purchase & Delivery Structure: GR-PBT Tooling & Manufacturing (Timescale) Sensors: Read out concept Slow-Control Integration FEE: Basic concept Supply Setup / Tests Several hundred pieces Cooling: Operation conditions Heat dissipation Temperature Stability Operation: Heat-Shielding/-FlowDetection 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

24 Cylindrical – GEM for KLOE
inner tracker FEE G. Bencivenni, LNF 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

25 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

26 38 LNF - Scientific Committee
R&D for AMADEUS setup trigger system 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

27 The AMADEUS trigger system
Cilindrical layer of scintillating fibers surrounding the beam pipe to trigger K+ K- in opposite directions Readout to be done by SiPM Inner tracker (eventually, a first tracking stage before the DC) Target ( A gaseous He target for a first phase of study) Trigger (1 or 2 layers of ScFi surrounding the interaction point) target Trigger system ScFi + SiPM readout K+ K- 38 LNF - Scientific Committee 27

28 Test of different SiPMs
Various SiPMs were tested at SMI: Hamamatsu: 1mm2, 3 mm2 Photonique: 1 mm2 Dubna: 1 mm2, 3 mm2 Zecotek: 1 mm2, 3 mm2 Different characteristics : Number of cells (linearity) Fill factor Q.E. Noise, dark current

29 38 LNF - Scientific Committee
SiPM gain (Vbias, T) Hamamatsu 3 mm 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

30 Trigger system: SiPM tests
SiPM (HAMAMATSU U50) (400 pixels)‏ Operating voltage ~70V Dedicated fast pre-amplifiers design Gain x20 – x100 Small size For a good behavior stability in the applied voltage with great precision is needed for every single detector. Electronics: New CAMAC modules providing: Variable Vbias for 5 channels with a stability for nominal voltages below 1 mV 2 output / channel: -Amplified (x50-x100) signal -Discriminated signal (variable threshold) Designed by G. Corradi, D. Tagnani, C. Paglia 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

31 Trigger system: ScFi + SiPM setup
Instrumented fibers: Pol.Hi.Tech 46 (Blue ) Saint Gobain BCF- 10 single cladding: Emission peak 432 nm Decay time 2,7 ns 1/e 2.2 m 80000 ph./MeV New mechanical support for 5 ScFi read from both sides 10 SiPM + readout card Precission support for efficiencies studies November, 2008 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

32 Trigger system tests: installation at DAΦNE
Installation of AMADEUS trigger test setup in DAΦNE 22-24 January 2009 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

33 38 LNF - Scientific Committee
Kaon peak around ch 1600 ADC channel 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

34 38 LNF - Scientific Committee
R&D for AMADEUS setup inner tracker 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

35 Why GEM-based TPC detector for the inner tracker of AMADEUS
Time projection chamber (TPC) with its very light material budget has been successfully used as central tracker and particle identification device in a large number of experiments. Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector has great potential to improve TPC performances : high rate-capability, ion feedback reduction, great robustness and long-term stability  intense R&D activity on GEM- based TPC however, the requirements for new high-rate particle experiments greatly exceed the abilities of traditional TPC read out by MWPC. 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

36 AMADEUS requirements & challenges
almost full solid angle coverage around the interaction area  Two cylinders TPGs along the beam direction: Inner & Outer radius =15 & 23 cm; Length = 15 cm resolving complex pattern of multiple tracks Hexagonal Pad of 2 or 3 mm radius (8 or 3.5 kch.) good spatial resolution  x-y ≤ 800 m & z ≤ 300 m high momentum resolution of reconstructed trajectories  p/p  1 % (with DC of KLOE) minimal detector material (X0 <1 %) for low multiple scattering  0.5% X0 total radiation length (2walls + gas) high rate capability  > 50 MHz/cm2 (*) measured (*) M. Poli Lener, Ph.D Thesis, CERN-THESIS 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

37 38 LNF - Scientific Committee
Prototype design Cylindrical Field Cage (drift length from 5 to 15 cm) Anode Read-out (hexagonal pads) Drift electrode 3 framed GEM (10x10 cm2 active area ) G10 gas-tightness box components Drawing by C. Capoccia 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

38 38 LNF - Scientific Committee
Test beam BTF FEE electronics 16 channels for each board box cross section BTF beam Calorimiter The TPG chamber has been constructed by F. Murtas in the framework of experiment IMAGEM – INFN – CSN5 for beam diagnostic purpose Each FFE channel based on ADSQ chip was sent to a multi-hit TDC in order to record the leading edge (time hit) and the width of each signal The noise rate was <10 thr=200 mV on the whole detector (64 pads)‏ The calorimeter signal was used to discriminate the number of electrons  beam 4 cm 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

39 TPG Beam Test results Drift velocity for the Ar/CO2/CF4 (45/15/40) gas mixture has been measured in two different ways Time (ns)‏ z position (cm)‏ Vd = (1.25 ± 0.03) cm/s @ 300 V/cm, T=24°C, P= 993 mbar Moving the detector in z Velocity Drift (cm/s)‏ Drift Field (V/cm)‏ Garfield Simulation Changing drift field Experimental measurement Drift velocity estimated by Garfield = (1.29 ± 0.01 ) cm/s @ 300 V/cm, T=24 °C, P= 993 mbar The results agree with Garfield simulation 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

40 38 LNF - Scientific Committee
Beam pipe - studies 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

41 Study on possible solution for beam-pipe
(thanks to Giancarlo Sensolini and Sandro Tomassini) 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

42 38 LNF - Scientific Committee
KLOE - AMADEUS 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

43 Collaboration between AMADEUS and KLOE
Collaboration already started: analysis of the KLOE data - O. Vazquez Doce SLOW Control and DAQ -A. d’Uffizi KLOE-2 electronics - D. Tagnani, M. Bazzi KLONE - C. Curceanu, M. Iliescu, F. Sirghi Agreement KLOE – AMADEUS signed February 2, 2009 it can and should be reinforced 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

44 Agreement KLOE – AMADEUS
Agreement between Collaborations for collaboration in the maintenance and upgrade of the KLOE detector between the KLOE Collaboration (Fabio Bossi, Spokesperson KLOE-2) and the AMADEUS Collaboration (Catalina Curceanu, Co-chair, Johann Zmeskal, Co-chair) 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

45 38 LNF - Scientific Committee
2 technical KLOE – AMADEUS meetings: March 23, 2009 April 29, 2009 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

46 38 LNF - Scientific Committee
There is a team from AMADEUS (about 10 persons from LNF, 3 from Vienna and 2 from Bucharest) to start working with KLOE on the following items. Responsible persons from AMADEUS are: Trigger - Alessandro Scordo Gas system - Marco Poli Lener Drift Chamber - Oton Vazquez Doce Calorimeter – Florin Sirghi DAQ - Michael Cargnelli and Antonio Romero Vidal Slow control - Alessandro d'Uffizi Monitoring (root) - Shinji Okada 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

47 38 LNF - Scientific Committee
AMADEUS implementation plan beam time 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

48 Preparation, implementation plan and roll-in proposal
2009 and 2010: take part to KLOE maintenance, roll-in and data taking (training) AMADEUS R&D, construction, tests and assembly the R&D for AMADEUS , construction, assembly and tests have to be finished within 2010 roll-in of AMADEUS roll-in in 2011, compatible with KLOE end of step 0 AMADEUS DAQ for an integrated luminosity of about 4 fb-1 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

49 38 LNF - Scientific Committee
Beam time request for AMADEUS Phase-1 • 2 fb-1 of integrated luminosity with He4 target in order to study the tri-baryon DBKNS • 1-2 fb-1 of integrated luminosity with He3 target in order to study the di-baryon DBKNS • 0.5 fb-1 of integrated luminosity for low-energy kaon- nuclear dedicated measurements → an overall integrated luminosity of fb-1 With the luminosity upgrade of DANE, the machine could deliver at least 500 pb-1/month, which means that the overall AMADEUS Phase-1 programme could be completed in about 10 months (considering installation). 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

50 International Workshop on
Hadronic Atoms and Kaonic Nuclei - solved puzzles, open problems and future challenges in theory and experiment October 12-16, 2009 ECT*, Trento, Italy 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

51 38 LNF - Scientific Committee
Thank you 38 LNF - Scientific Committee

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