Exa-Scale Volunteer Computing

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Presentation on theme: "Exa-Scale Volunteer Computing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exa-Scale Volunteer Computing
David P. Anderson Space Sciences Laboratory U.C. Berkeley

2 The potential of volunteer computing
The volunteer resource pool Current PetaFLOPS breakdown: Potential: ExaFLOPS by 2010 4M GPUs * 1 TFLOPS * 0.25 availability

3 Why did F@h and S@h work? Technology-savvy leaders Technical resources
Funding So they were able to develop their own software stack. But few research groups can do this.

4 BOINC Middleware for volunteer computing
client, server, web Based at UC Berkeley Space Sciences Lab Open source (LGPL) NSF-funded since 2002

5 BOINC: volunteers and projects
CPDN attachments WCG

6 The Utopian vision Better research gets more computing power
resources The public Scientific research education/outreach Better research gets more computing power An enlightened public decides what’s better

7 Science areas using BOINC
Biology protein study, genetic analysis Medicine drug discovery, epidemiology Physics LHC, nanotechnology, quantum computing Astronomy data analysis, cosmology, galactic modeling Environment climate modeling, ecosystem simulation Math

8 Climateprediction.net

9 Gravitational waves; gravitational pulsars


11 GPUGRID.net

12 AQUA@home D-Wave Systems
Simulation of “adiabatic quantum algorithms” for binary quadratic optimization

13 Quake Catcher Network

14 Success: modest at best
Only ~25 significant projects, few new ones Why? Even with BOINC, it’s hard to operate a volunteer computing project Volunteer computing ignored by the HPC world It doesn’t provide ownership or control

15 Umbrella projects Example: IBM World Community Grid Project publicity
web development sysadmin app porting Project Example: IBM World Community Grid

16 The Berkeley@home model
A university has scientists a powerful “brand” PR resources IT infrastructure lots of alumni (UCB: 500,000)

17 Hubs nanoHUB: “science portal” for nanoscience
social network + “app store” sharing of ideas, data, software computational portal HUBzero: generalization to other areas currently ~20 hubs Integration of BOINC with HUBzero each hub has a volunteer computing project use VMs to deal with security, heterogeneity issues

18 Conclusion Volunteer computing + GPUs = Exa-scale
How to increase adoption? Organizational level matters me:

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