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Gastrointestinal Tract

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1 Gastrointestinal Tract
Chapter 17 Gastrointestinal Tract

2 Structure & Function Gastrointestinal (GI) tract is concerned with:
Made up of the:


4 Cleft Lip & Cleft Palate
Embryologically, the face and palate form when proliferating cell masses merge to form: Multifactorial inheritance leads to developmental defects Cleft lip is a defect in the: Cleft palate is a defect in the:

5 Types of cleft lip and palate abnormalities viewed from below
Fig 17-1

6 Cleft Lip and Palate

7 Tooth Development Tooth is anchored in the jaw by connective tissue
Each tooth consists of: Dentine which is: Enamel which covers: Pulp cavity in center of the tooth which contain: Root is embedded in the: Covered by a small layer of bone-like material called: Tooth is anchored in the jaw by connective tissue

8 Dental caries Infectious disease of teeth due to bacteria on tooth surface Plaque is made up of: Predispose to: Caused by bacteria feeding on food materials such as sugars & starches Acids are released that: Bacteria invade forming: If left untreated, bacteria invade the pulp resulting in: Spread of the infection to the bone surrounding the dental root results in:

9 Dental caries: Prevention & Treatment
Incidence of tooth decay can be reduced by: Dental caries are treated by:

10 Periodontal disease Bacteria and debris collect around the base of the teeth Inflammation only affecting the gums surrounding the root is called: Inflammation and infection between the gums and teeth is called: Infection may spread into the tooth socket causing:

11 Diseases of the Esophagus
The esophagus is a muscular tube extending from the: Upper sphincter relaxes to allow: Lower esophageal sphincter (cardiac sphincter) relaxes to allow:

12 Diseases of the Esophagus
Incompetent Cardiac Sphincter Allows for: Lining of esophagus becomes: Called: Long-term reflux can lead to bleeding, ulceration, and scarring of esophagus In some individuals the lining becomes metaplastic which increases the risk of developing adenocarcinoma Treatment consists of:

13 Diseases of the Esophagus
Gastric Mucosal Tears Occur in the gastroesophageal junction due to: Can bleed extensively Most often follows:

14 Gastric mucosal tear caused by retching and vomiting
Fig. 17-6

15 Gastritis Is inflammation of the: Acute gastritis is a:
May be complicated by: ulceration & bleeding Most caused by: Chronic gastritis: Produces compounds that break down: Spreads via person-to-person through: Increased risk of:

16 Peptic ulcer Is a chronic ulcer that usually involves the:
Results from: H. pylori infection predisposes a person to ulceration Produce pain which is usually relieved by: Complications: Usually treated with: Antacids: Antibiotic therapy:

17 Inflammatory Diseases of the Intestines
Enteritis: Colitis: Gastroenteritis:

18 Inflammatory Diseases of the Intestines
Acute enteritis is usually caused by: Are generally of: Symptoms include: Chronic enteritis is characterized by periodic flare-ups manifested by: Patients may also have inflammation of other tissue Two main diseases appear to be autoimmune: Crohn Disease Ulcerative colitis

19 Inflammatory Diseases of the Intestines
Crohn disease is: Distal ilium is frequently involved but may involve any part of small intestine & possibly the colon Thickening & scarring of intestinal wall can narrow lumen which impedes: Treatment: drugs and possible surgical resection of affected part of bowel

20 Inflammatory Diseases of the Intestines
Ulcerative colitis: Usually begins in the: Mucosa may bleed excessively: Treatment: symptomatic and supportive measures, antibiotics, corticosteroids to control flare-ups, immunosuppressive drugs, surgical resection

21 Inflammatory Diseases of the Intestines
Appendicitis occurs when the opening to the appendix becomes blocked by: Normal secretions become blocked and create: This leads to compression of: Bacteria invade the wall of the appendix causing: Symptoms include: Treatment:

22 Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa is a condition in which a person has a: Lose weight by: May also: Most often occurs in: Many bodily processes such as menstrual cycle are disrupted and may lead to death if not treated Treatment requires:

23 Eating Disorders Bulemia nervosa is characterized by:
Weight is usually maintained leaving family and friends: Risk of gastric mucosa tears from retching and vomiting Dental problems and metabolic alkalosis from vomiting-induced loss of gastric acid Treatment similar to treatment of anorexia nervosa

24 Diseases of the Colon Diverticulosis is a condition of diverticula which are: Usually occurs in: Small hard stools require increase intraluminal pressure to: High pressure predisposes someone to the condition Diverticulitis occurs when:

25 Diverticulosis of colon
Diverticulosis of colon. Exterior of colon, illustrating several diverticula projecting through the wall of the colon. Fig A

26 Diverticula of colon demonstrated by injection of barlum contrast material into colon (barium enema)
Fig C

27 Intestinal Obstruction
A person is said to have an intestinal obstruction if: Always considered as: Severity of symptoms depends on: High intestinal obstruction occurs in: Symptoms include: Low intestinal obstruction occurs in:

28 Intestinal Obstruction
Hernia is: Inguinal hernia is common in: loop of small bowel protrudes through a weak area in inguinal ring and may descend into: Umbilical hernia occurs when:

29 Intestinal Obstruction
Hernia Reducible hernia: Incarcerated hernia: Strangulated hernia:

30 Inguinal Hernia

31 Umbilical hernia, infant
Fig 17-20 Inguinal hernia, bilateral, extending into scrotum Fig 17-19

32 Intestinal Obstruction
Volvulus is: Most often occurs in: Intussusception is: a telescoping of a segment of bowel into adjacent segment

33 Volvulus and Intussusception

34 Intussusception resulting from a colon tumor

35 Fig Volvulus A. Rotary twisting of sigmoid colon on its mesentery B. Obstruction of colon and interruption of blood supply

36 Hemorrhoids Are varicose veins of: Development is predisposed by:
Symptoms are relieved by: Internal hemorrhoids occur in: May erode and bleed, become thrombosed, or prolapse External hemorrhoids occur in: May become thrombosed, causing discomfort

37 Hemorrhoids


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