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Responding to Climate Change Introduction

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1 Responding to Climate Change Introduction
What are some ways that we can reduce our greenhouse gas emissions? Consider what individuals can do at their homes and work, corporations and industry, and governments.

2 Responding to Climate Change Explicit Instruction
Finding new ways and conservation of electricity will help reduce production of greenhouse gases. Two ways of responding: Adaptation – protecting from the effects. Mitigation – working to reduce the effects. Mitigation is more important, as it will reduce the need for adaptation. New technologies are allowing us to become more efficient (Energy Star appliances and items) Changes in lifestyle will help conserve. Ways to Reduce Electricity Use at Home Turn off lights, computers, and televisions not in use. Wash only full loads in dishwashers and clothes washers. Unplug appliances that you seldom use, such as food processors. Unplug cell-phone chargers once the phone is charged. Don’t keep the refrigerator door open. Remove food quickly. Use a microwave oven, rather than a conventional oven, to heat food.

3 Responding to Climate Change Explicit Instruction
Modifying how we transport can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The average American family makes 10 trips by car each day in a vehicle that more than 85% of the fuel does something other than move the car. Improved vehicle technology will help with rising gasoline prices and reduce gas emissions. Reduced driving or utilizing public transport can contribute to a lower carbon footprint.

4 Responding to Climate Change Explicit Instruction
Improved land use practices, cap-and-trade policies, carbon taxes, and carbon sequestration, and international agreements can reduce emissions. Better farming and forestry practices can help preserve the soil’s ability to hold carbon. Utilizing new agricultural technologies can help in reduction of greenhouse gas emission. Cap-and-trade policies will help industries that work to reduce their emission levels. Carbon taxes can be utilized to give polluters financial incentive to reduce their emissions. Carbon sequestration occurs when carbon is captured and stored instead being released. Kyoto Protocol was an international plan to reduce emissions of certain gases.

5 Responding to Climate Change Independent Practice
Which is more important in addressing global climate change: conserving electricity or finding new ways of producing it? Explain your answer. What are a few ways we can reduce our carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions? What are cap-and-trade policies? Explain how they work. Are they effective? Why or why not? You have been appointed to represent the US at an international conference to replace the Kyoto Protocol. What type of agreement would you try to shape? Describe at least three components you would support and at least one you would oppose.

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