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Presentation on theme: "OCEANS…."— Presentation transcript:


2 DID YOU KNOW?! 71% of the earth’s surface is couvered by water…WOW!
3/4 of the animals on earth live in the sea… Most of the water on earth is saulty…(this means it has sault)… 1/2 of drinking water is gone…

3 Watch the “Finding Nemo” trailer

4 As you saw in the film, there are lots of animals living in the ocean
As you saw in the film, there are lots of animals living in the ocean. Nemo gets lost, and as the ocean is so big, he cannot find his father.

5 CORAL REEFS Coral reefs are rocks that have corals and algae on them, which then turn to a home for many animals. The biggest reef is the australian one in NEW ZELAND. It has more than 800 fish!!!WOW!! You can swim in coral reefs, but only with oxygen masks because they are veeeery deep!

6 QUICK QUIZZZZZZ!!!! How much of the earth is covered with water??
….. Of the earth’s water is saulty. ……..of the animals on earth live in the sea. …………….. ……………….. Are rocks that have ………………….. And ……………….. On them. …………… ………………… are homes to many animals in water. The biggest coral reef is in ………….. …………………. Coral reefs are very ………………. , so if you want to swim there, you need …………….. …………….. More than ……………….. Fish live in the coral reefs. WORDS TO USE ( USE EACH ONE ONLY ONCE) 1/ CORAL REEFS ROCKS / DEEP CORAL REEFS ALGAE - OXYGEN MASKS CORALS NEW ZELAND.


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