Welcome to CIVITAS.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to CIVITAS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to CIVITAS

2 What is CIVITAS ?

3 75% of Europe’s citizens live in cities

4 40% of CO2 from road transport
70% of other pollutants from urban traffic Millions of hours are spent in urban and regional congestion

5 CIVITAS: A network of cities for cities to achieve sustainable urban mobility

6 249 cities member of the Forum Network > 200 M€ EC investment
14 years CIVITAS: 69 demonstration cities over 700 measures tested 249 cities member of the Forum Network > 200 M€ EC investment

7 Cities have demonstrated more than 700 measures in 14 years
Key domains of intervention Car Independent Lifestyles Safety and Security Integrated Planning Demand Management Strategies Collective Passenger Transport Mobility Management Transport Telematics Urban Freight Logistics Clean Fuels and Vehicles Public Involvement Cities have demonstrated more than 700 measures in 14 years

8 Examples of Measures

9 transport solutions for high density employment areas
Example of Measures: Tel Aviv - Yafo transport solutions for high density employment areas

10 Example of Measures: Malaga
a bike-rental system

11 Example of Measures: Aachen
hybrid buses

12 Electrical car-sharing scheme
Example of Measures: Koprivnica Electrical car-sharing scheme

13 CIVITAS Themes addressed
Example of Measures: Tallin CIVITAS Themes addressed Alternative fuels, energy efficient vehicles Collective transport and integration modes Demand management strategies Mobility management Safety and security Less car dependent lifestyles New concepts for goods distribution Innovative telematics systems Alternative fuels, energy efficient vehicles

14 Example of Measures: Toulouse
100% clean bus fleet

15 + 43 % of car-sharing customers
Example of Measures: Bremen + 43 % of car-sharing customers

16 CIVITAS Themes addressed
Example of Measures: Utrecht CIVITAS Themes addressed New concepts for goods distribution Alternative fuels, energy efficient vehicles Collective transport and integration modes Demand management strategies Mobility management Safety and security Less car dependent lifestyles New concepts for goods distribution Innovative telematics systems

17 Innovative telematics systems
Example of Measures: Zagreb Innovative telematics systems

18 CIVITAS Demonstration cities

19 Selection of results (CIVITAS PLUS)
Modal split towards Public Transport: 3% to 30% increase of number of passengers Modal split Car: Decrease of car usage from 4% to 15% Walking and Cycling Increases of cycling and walking mode by 1% to 4% A doubling of the number of cyclists and pedestrians in some cities Urban logistics Reduction of up to 60% of freight trucks movements. In Aalborg: decrease of 112 vehicles per day towards the city centre. CO2 reduction Reduction of CO2 emission up to 55% In Gdansk: tons of CO2


21 Exchange Good Practices
CIVITAS in action Test New Solutions 1 Living labs Exchange Good Practices 2 Knowledge Base on Clean Urban Transport Convince Politicians 3 How did you do it? How did you dare it?

22 Demonstration Projects (2012-2016)
Stuttgart Brno Malaga Tel Aviv -Yafo 2MOVE2 2 projects 8 cities Aachen Gdynia Koprivnica Palma

23 Dissemination Support
CIVITAS Support Thematic Cooperation Discussion and Exchanges around 10 themes Evaluation support Measuring and explaining impact Dissemination Support Promoting CIVITAS activities

24 CIVITAS Network & membership

25 CIVITAS Networks Political Advisory Committee
Forum Network Forum Conference CIVINETS National Networks Thematic Groups Political Advisory Committee

26 Exchange of practices at political level
The Initiative’s Network of Politicians Delivering policy recommendations CIVITAS Forum Network cities Exchange of practices at political level The Political Advisory Committee (PAC) is a small group of leading and highly motivated politicians, from within CIVITAS cities that acts as the Initiative’s steering group of the CIVITAS Forum Network. Members participate in a personal capacity. Its main role is to: identify policy priorities, highlighting pros and cons and stressing the policy relevance of the CIVITAS goals and achievements; deliver policy recommendations; define relevant themes for urban transport policy; and advising on core CIVITAS activities (communication, CIVITAS Forum Conference, website, thematic groups politicians’ forum, etc.) The outcome of the work of the PAC takes the form of short, policy-styled notes (the “PAC statements”), which contribute to the strategic direction of the CIVITAS Initiative. The PAC statements are directed toward policy makers at the European, national and local level, as well as to industry, transport operators and other stakeholders. Politicians of CIVITAS cities may apply to serve as PAC members in their personal capacity and can serve a maximum of three mandates of two years each. Every two years a call for interest is launched and the new PAC is formed. PAC members are ultimately appointed by the EC based on general criteria of representativeness and proven record of the individual candidates. The PAC is supported in its work by its own PAC secretariat. In May 2011, two ‘PAC Statements’ were completed. One is entitled: “The Future of Research and Demonstration within CIVITAS” while the second contains the PAC view on “The Future of Transport,” within the context of the EC’s 2011 White Paper on Transport to 2020. The current PAC members can be seen here

27 The Initiative’s Network of Practitioners
Debating of measure implementations Exchange of practices at technical level

28 Participate to project CIVITAS 2020
How to get involved Participate to project CIVITAS 2020 Apply for Activity Funds Join Thematic Groups Participate in TRAININGS Submit questions in CIVITAS interactive Become a Forum member

29 Contact CIVITAS secretariat
Willing to join us? Improving the of your city IMAGE Contact CIVITAS secretariat Developing exchange with other cities KNOWLEDGE Obtaining for future projects SUPPORT Influencing at EU level policy making

30 Thank you for your attention

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