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Controlling open-source licenses with Jenkins

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Presentation on theme: "Controlling open-source licenses with Jenkins"— Presentation transcript:

1 Controlling open-source licenses with Jenkins
Rami Sass White Source @jenkinsconf

2 Open Source Risks Legal Business Technical Litigation
Code/IP contamination Business M&A, reselling, OEM barriers Sales injunctions Technical Security vulnerabilities, bugs Ineffective updating

3 White Source Automates the entire DevOps lifecycle of Open Source components and their licenses Preventive lifecycle management is better than post-hoc corrective approach Easy to use, eliminates much burden from developers Only solution that is inexpensive to buy, and affordable to operate

4 Demo

5 White Source Modern, easy approach to open source management
Integrate with CI to unburden R&D Automatically enforce policies in real time

6 Questions

7 Thank You To Our Sponsors

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