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Room 16’s Favorite After School Snacks

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1 Room 16’s Favorite After School Snacks

2 Only 4 students said their favorite snack was cookies
Only 4 students said their favorite snack was cookies. Let’s do the math If there are 33 students in the entire class, and 4 of them eat cookies, that gives us the fraction: Now, convert this fraction into a decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator . . Or round to 12% 4 33 4 divided by 33 =

3 So this time, you divide 6 by 33 to get
Make this into a fraction. Remember the fraction . . means 6 out of 33 6 33 So this time, you divide 6 by 33 to get or 18%, when rounded. . . . while only 6 of you said you snacked on granola bars. (You guys don’t know what you’re missing!)

4 . . . tsk tsk. Only 3 of you are eating fruit as a snack after school.
That means only 3 out 33! You know this will be a small percentage! Now, convert this fraction into a decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator . . Only 9% ! 3 33 3 divided by 33 =

5 This comes as no surprise
This comes as no surprise! 14 students in our class eat cookies as a snack after school! This gives us our biggest fraction, because there are so many students within this category: Remember to convert this fraction into a decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator . . Or round to a whopping 42% ! 14 33 4 divided by 33 =

6 Our last category is “other”
Our last category is “other”. This means any thing else you guys are eating that doesn’t fit into the other categories If there are 33 students in the entire class, and 4 of them eat cookies, that gives us the fraction: Once more, convert this fraction into a decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator . . Or round to 18% 6 33 4 divided by 33 =

7 Using a pie chart, this is how our class’ choices look in comparison to one another.

8 Hopefully this has been a little informative
Hopefully this has been a little informative! Remember, in order to convert a fraction into a decimal, you simply divide the numerator by the denominator! Eat More Fruit ! Pictograph Bar graph Data collection grid

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