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Tropisms and Turgor Pressure

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Presentation on theme: "Tropisms and Turgor Pressure"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tropisms and Turgor Pressure

2 Tropism - The response of plants to external stimuli

3 Phototropism - The tendency of a plant to grow towards light

4 Geotropism (Gravitropism) - The tendency of a plant to grow in a direction in response to gravity (roots-down)

5 Geo and Phototropism

6 Thigmotropism - Response of plants to touch such as in vines and climbing plants on trees

7 Thigmotropism in a Venus Fly Trap

8 Turgor Pressure Water pressure in a cell that pushes against the cell membrane and cell wall. It makes plants cells firm and rigid. Loss of it is referred to as wilting.




12 Cool Turgor Pressure Video

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