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Water Basics Physical Properties Properties2 Structure of Water

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Presentation on theme: "Water Basics Physical Properties Properties2 Structure of Water"— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Basics Physical Properties Properties2 Structure of Water Bonding and Reactions 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 FINAL QUESTIONS

2 Water Basics -100 Answer: Hydrogen and oxygen
Question: What two elements make up water? Answer: Hydrogen and oxygen

3 Answer: Group 1, Period 1 (Hydrogen)
Water Basics - 200 Question: Where are the elements that make up water located on the periodic table? Answer: Group 1, Period 1 (Hydrogen) Group 16, Period 2 (Oxygen)

4 Question: Water makes up what percent of the
Water Basics - 300 Question: Water makes up what percent of the Earth’s surface? Answer: 75%

5 Water Basics - 400 Answer: 60- 70%
Question: What percent of the human body is made up of water? Answer: %

6 Water Basics- 500 Answer: nonmetal
Question: Both elements that make up water would be classified as what on the periodic table? Answer: nonmetal

7 Physical Properties - 100 Question: Boiling point is a physical property of water. What is the boiling point for water? Answer: 100oC

8 Physical Properties - 200 Question: 0oC is a physical property of
water. Which property is it? Answer: Freezing/melting point of water

9 Physical Properties - 300 Question: When an oil spill occurs on the ocean. The oil does not sink into the ocean nor does it mix with the water. What property of water is this due to? Answer: Density. Oil is less dense than water.

10 Physical Properties - 400 Question: A paper clip, and needle can float on water. You can add numerous pennies to an apparent full glass of water without it overflowing. A water strider can “walk” across the water. What property of water is this due to? Answer: Surface tension

11 Physical Properties - 500 Question: When you touched the flaming snowball, you had to wet your hands in water. What property of water enabled you to touch the flame without getting burned? Answer: Specific heat (Water has a high specific heat. This means more heat energy is required to increase the temperature of water than something with low specific heat capacity.) .

12 Properties2 - 100 Question: When water is in the form of steam,
Question: When water is in the form of steam, what state of matter is it in? Answer: gas

13 Properties2 - 200 Question: When we took water and separated
Question: When we took water and separated it into hydrogen and oxygen and used the hydrogen gas to power our boat/cars what was that process called? Answer: electrolysis (a chemical property of water)

14 Properties2 - 300 Question: The Statue of Liberty is made of
Question: The Statue of Liberty is made of the element copper. But instead of having the color of a penny (also made of copper), it is the color green. What chemical property of water caused this? Answer: Oxidation

15 Properties2 - 400 Question: Solubility is the ability to dissolve
Question: Solubility is the ability to dissolve solutes in a solvent at a given temperature. When you add sugar to water and mix it together, which is the solute and which is the solvent? Answer: Sugar: Solute (element/Compound that is dissolved in a solvent) Water: Solvent (part of solution that dissolves other solutes)

16 Properties2 - 500 Question: Is salt water an example of a
heterogeneous mixture or a homogenous Mixture? Why? Answer: A homogenous mixture. A heterogeneous mixture has different layers while a homogeneous mixture looks the same throughout (which is what salt water does).

17 Structure of Water- 100 Question: What is the chemical formula for
Question: What is the chemical formula for water? Answer: H20

18 Structure of Water - 200 Question: How many protons, neutrons and
Question: How many protons, neutrons and electrons does ONE molecule of water have? Answer: Hydrogen: P:1 N:0 E: 1 (Water has two of these) Oxygen: P: 8 N:8 E: 8 Thus, H20 would have P: 10 N:8 E:10

19 Structure of Water - 300 Question: What is the Bohr diagram for each
Question: What is the Bohr diagram for each element that makes up water? Answer: Oxygen: Number of Energy Levels: 2 First Energy Level: 2 Second Energy Level: 6 Hydrogen: Number of Energy Levels: 1 First Energy Level: 1

20 Structure of Water - 400 Question: What is the Lewis dot structure
Question: What is the Lewis dot structure for water? Answer:

21 Structure of Water - 500 Question: When you draw the Lewis dot
structure for water, what is the name of the electrons you include? Answer: valence electrons

22 Bonding and Reactions - 100
Question: Why is water not an ionic bond? Answer: Because water shares electrons instead of stealing them = H+1 + O-2 = H2O

23 Bonding and Reactions - 200
Question: What kind of bond does water have? Answer: covalent bond (sharing of electrons)

24 Bonding and Reactions - 300
Question: What type of reaction did you see in class when ethanol and calcium acetate were combined together to make the flaming snowball (combustion/ energy is being released)? Answer: EXOTHERMIC (Exothermic reactions release energy in the form of heat, light or sound. Exothermic reactions may produce heat or be explosive.

25 Bonding and Reactions - 400
Question: When photosynthesis happens, what type of reaction occurs ? (energy is being absorbed) Answer: Photosynthesis is an example of an endothermic chemical reaction. In this process, plants use the energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. This reaction requires 15MJ of energy (sunlight) for every kilogram of glucose that is produced: sunlight + 6CO2(g) + H2O(l) = C6H12O6(aq) + 6O2(g)

26 Bonding and Reactions- 500
Question: Water can be used to increase the rate of a reaction. What is it called when you add something to a reaction to cause the reaction rate to increase? Answer: A catalyst. (A catalyst is a compound that speeds chemical reactions without being consumed. Water is used as a catalyst in explosives. Detonations of high explosives made up of oxygen and hydrogen produce water at thousands of degrees Kelvin and up to 100,000 atmospheres of pressure, similar to conditions in the interiors of giant planets.)

Please record your answer on your own sheet of paper and turn it into me when you are finished. (Yes, this will be a quiz grade! I hope you were paying attention during the review!) List 4 physical properties of water and one chemical property of water. (You may list all 10 properties of water for extra credit.) Explain the difference between a endothermic reaction and an exothermic reaction. Is a exploding firework a endothermic reaction or exothermic reaction? (For extra credit you can list an example of each type of reaction from our review or from your own background knowledge.) Write the chemical formula for water and draw the Lewis dot structure for water. 4. What states of matter can water exist in?

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