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Soil and Forensic Geology
What Is Soil? Mixture of organic and inorganic material
May range from 100% inorganic (sand) to nearly 100% organic (peat) Inorganic part is minerals Organic part is decayed plant and animal material and is sometimes called humus
Forensic Significance of Soil
Soil is class evidence - cannot be individualized to a particular location There is no classification system for soils Soils can be easily transported Soils within a few meters horizontally or vertically differ
Forensic Analysis of Soils
Bulk analysis Density gradient Particle size distribution (sieving) Inorganic components Color (dissolve in water) Petrography - mineral analysis; Requires a good deal of skill and practice
Forensic Analysis of Soils
Organic components Liquid chromatography Oxygen availability Bacterial DNA? - Future possibility
Why is soil such a good source of evidence?
Large Variations of soil characteristics Extreme Complexity of its composition Minerals Oxides Organic Matter Microorganisms Artificial additions (concrete, asphalt, plastics) Runoff additions (salt, fertilizers, pesticides) Manufactured products: glass, paint, asphalt, brick, industrial products, Complex Physical Nature Varies due to above compositions
Forensic Geologists The forensic Geologists examinations involve the identification of: Earth materials Comparison of samples to determine common source Studies that aid a criminal investigations and intelligence studies.
Forensic Geology In Intelligence Work
Remember the outcrop you saw behind Osama bin Laden on TV after September 11. What was the location? A geologist who has done field work in the area would be able to locate that outcrop, and that actually happened: Geologist John Shroder was able to identify the region where bin Laden had been sighted in Afghanistan in 2001 (see Geotimes, February 2002).
Forensic Geologists of the Past
Starting in 1887 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote The Sherlock Holmes series used soil and residues many times to link individuals to specific locations. In 1893, Hans Gross, authored “Handbook for Examining Magistrates”. In it he suggested that the dirt on someone's shoes could tell more about where a person had last been than many other techniques used in that time.
The Eva Disch Case In October 1904 a dirty handkerchief containing bits of coal, snuff, and grains of the mineral hornblend was found at the murder scene of a seamstress named, Eva Disch. A suspect was found who used snuff, and worked part-time at both a coal burning gas works and a quarry that had an abundance of the mineral hornblend. The suspect also had two layers of dirt in his pant cuffs. The lower layer matched the soil at the crime scene and the upper layer, characterized by a particular type of mica particle, matched the soil found on the path to the victim's home. When confronted with the evidence the suspect confessed. (Murray and Tedrow, 1991, p. 4)
Physical Properties of Soil
Soil Texture, Structure, Compaction is the percent of sand, silt and clay in a soil. sand is the coarsest ( mm) silt is intermediate ( mm) clay is the finest (<0.002 mm)
Soil Texture The texture of a soil is determined by the percentages of particles like sand, silt, & clay that it contains.
Physical Properties of Soil
Minerals: Minerals are used by various commercial and industrial companies. Brick, shale, plaster, and concrete are all found in many indoor products, drywall insulation. Robbery suspects often have minerals within clothing fibers. Why???? Locard’s Exchange Principle
Some crime laboratories utilize density-gradient tubes to compare soils.
These tubes are typically filled with layers of liquids that have different density values. When soil is added to the density-gradient tube, its particles will sink to the portion of the tube that has a density of equal value.
Standard /reference soils are to be collected at various intervals within a 100-yard radius of the crime scene, as well as the site of the crime, for comparison to the questioned soil. Soil found on the suspect, such as adhering to a shoe or garments, must not be removed. Instead, each object should be individually wrapped in paper, and transmitted to the laboratory.
Locard’s Exchange Principle
The exchange of materials between two objects that occurs whenever tow objects come into contact.
Physical Properties of Soil Organics
Humus: a mixture of organic material that binds nutrient mineral ions and holds water. Detritivores like Earthworms, termites, and ants help to breakdown humus. Humus persists in agricultural soil for about 20 years. Humus CO2 + H2O + nutrient + minerals
Physical Properties of Soil (Organisms)
Bacterial and Protozoan colonies Plant litter Fungi Animal Most common insects, arachnids, and annelids Materials in varying states of decomposition
Physical Properties of Soil Soil Horizons
Horizontal layers of organized soil. A soil profile is a vertical section from surface to parent material. Differentiated Instruction Alert
Soil Horizon Basic
Soil Horizon Basic Boreal Forest
Soil Horizons
Soil Horizons for Honors??
Soil Collection Various interval 100 yard radius of the CS.
Sampling Surface and Subsurface layers Approximately 1 tablespoon per sample Individual plastic vials On Suspect Both soil and object are wrapped in paper Layering effect on vehicles: occurs over time due to sedimentation Collected separately only if jarred loose
Soil Comparison: Differences in soils can identify location of victims, suspects, or the crime scene.
Disturbed Soil Comparison:
Newly disturbed Soil showing O-Layer: (Organic) fresh, organic topsoil layer Old Undisturbed Soil same consistent color
Lab: Investigating Soil Core Sampling
Density-Gradient Tube:
Glass tubes measuring 6 to 10 millimetres in diameter and 25 to 40 centimetres in length are filled with several layers of two liquids mixed in varying proportions such that each layer has a different density. An example is the mixture of tetrabromoethane, which has a density of 2.96 gmL-1 with ethane, with a density of gmL-1. The soil components then sink to the layers corresponding to their own density values and the distribution of particles can be compared between soil specimens. Sample from Crime Scene Sports Pitch College Gardens Courtyard
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
The coupling of ICP-MS shows many advantages over other analysis techniques. Benefits of the ICP over other radiation sources include improvement in excitation and ionization efficiencies and the reduction or elimination of many of the chemical interferences found in flames or furnaces. Mass spectrometry generates a large amount of information, has high throughput capabilities, high sensitivity and low limits of detection. ICP-MS is capable of multi-elemental detection which reduces analysis time and therefore increases sample throughput. ICP-MS is one of the few analytical techniques that permits the quantifying of elemental isotopic concentrations and ratios. It can achieve very low limits of detection
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
An analysis of the elemental composition of the soil. The plasma is formed by argon gas flowing through a radiofrequency field where it is kept in a state of partial ionization, i.e. the gas consists partly of electrically charged particles. This allows it to reach very high temperatures of up to approx. 10,000ºC. The sample being analyzed is introduced into the plasma as a fine droplet aerosol. ICP-MS is the combination of an ICP with a mass spectrometer (MS). The ions generated by the ICP are directed into the MS, which separates the ions according to their mass-to-charge ratio. Thus, ions of a selected mass-to-charge ratio can be detected and quantified.
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
Website link: Analytical Techniques for the Comparison of Soil Samples
Links: images/fracture.gif About Glass
Sewage leak due to inadequate Support
Some Interesting? Cases Where Geological Evidence Has Been Important
Florida v. William Kennedy Smith South Dakota v. Donald Eugene Moeller Colorado v. Walter Osborne The Death of a DEA agent – Enrico Camarena
Florida v. William Kennedy Smith
WKS accused of rape of Patricia Bowman Alleged attack on grass lawn behind Kennedy estate in W. Palm Beach, Fl WKS alleged consensual sex on the beach near estate Jay Siegel used PLM to compare samples from clothing of victim to lawn and beach areas Samples consistent with beach, not lawn WKS acquitted of rape
South Dakota v. Donald Eugene Moeller
Capital murder case of 9-year old Becky O’Connell on May 8, 1990. Testimony by soil expert refutes defendant alibi Victim snatched off street, raped, killed, body dumped in woods. Suspicion fell on Defendant because of prior sex crime involvement. Found guilty and sentenced to death. Appeal resulted in reversal owing to admission of evidence of prior bad acts.
South Dakota v. Donald Eugene Moeller (cont.)
SD Supreme Court reversed and reinstated conviction State geologist analyzed soil found in wheel wells of defendant pickup truck. Issue was whether soil came from crime scene South of Sioux Falls or from a road North of Sioux Falls where defendant claimed he was at time of crime Geologist testified that soil could have come from crime scene. Opinion based on: Colors and general characteristics Soil was much lighter or could not have come from other roads in area “Sharp, clean” hornblende crystals much more likely to have come from crime scene area
South Dakota v. Donald Eugene Moeller (cont)
Part of appeal called for striking geologist’s testimony as being too speculative as to conclusions At 2nd trial, geologist came into more evidence from scene and wheel well: dark green to black gahnite found at scene and in evidence from truck. This mineral extremely rare.
South Dakota v. Donald Eugene Moeller (cont)
Defense argued that geologist erred in identifying gahnite only by visual inspection. Claimed that PLM should have been used (to confirm that gahnite is isotropic) and that x-ray diffraction should have been used to confirm. Appeals court rejected appeal There was no discussion at trial whether the finding of both hornblende and gahnite near Sioux Falls was a rarity or could be due to processing after mining elsewhere. Bedrock of Sioux Falls contains neither hornblende nor gahnite.
Colorado v. Walter Osborne
Osborne botches kidnapping of Adolph Coors from his ranch near Morrison and kills Coors Ranch is near “Dakota Hogback” which is made of Dakota sandstone underlain by gray, green and maroon clay stones, shales, more sandstone and limestone. Dirt road near ranch was essentially eroded, pulverized components of hogback.
Colorado v. Walter Osborne (cont)
During kidnapping, a fight broke out and Osborne shot Coors. Fled in Osborne’s yellow Mercury with body. Fled south onto an unpaved road in next county. Then went west and climbed. Road made of muddled dust; pink-feldspar. Dust was granite, but compared to bedrock was deficient in iron and magnesium. As he climbed further, came into Pike’s Peak granite – very distinctive.
Colorado v. Walter Osborne (cont)
At 7200 ft, Osborne dumped body in dump used by an Ashram. Body would not be found for 7 months. Osborne went east and went on an unpaved road of black slags and drifted sands on a New Jersey barrier island. He hid car and torched it with gasoline.
Colorado v. Walter Osborne (cont)
FBI investigation turned up Osborne in New Jersey Although Osborne (discovered to be Joseph Corbett, Jr) covered his tracks well but was writing his itinerary on the bottom of his car. 4 depositional strata found: 4th contained material from around New Jersey dump where he burned car 3rd contained pink feldspars of Pike’s Peak granite – near where body was found 2nd had materials from Morrison hogback formation – around Coor’s rangch 1st had pink feldspars of other Front Range granites – generally related to Rocky Mountain Front Range
Death of a DEA Agent: Enrico Camarena
Story of how FBI geologist, Ron Rawalt was able to determine, with certainty, where Camarena body was buried, thus showing that Mexican govt. lied about how he was killed. He noticed a TV report of the killings. The body was shown with soil clinging to it. The soil was obviously of a different color than the soil from the alleged burial site.
Death of a DEA Agent: Enrico Camarena (cont)
He told the govt. that he could prove, with soil analysis alone, that Mexican govt. was lying about the murder. He went to Mexico and collected a spoonful of soil from Camarena body. He compared that to the soil from the alleged burial site and found them to be entirely different.
Death of a DEA Agent: Enrico Camarena (cont)
Soil from body Spoke of mountains 98% rhyolite ash (clean, high in silica, angular, vesicular) – could be described as “airfall pumice” Bixbyite – blacker than coal Pink glass of exceptional depth and richness of color, he had never seen anything like it, except in candy 2 kinds of cristobalite: opalized and clear, elongate and faceted, clear polygonal columns (octehedrons). Resembled branch coral. Very rare to find both types together.
Death of a DEA Agent: Enrico Camarena (cont)
Pinpointing location Research with Geological Survey and Smithsonian minerologists located specific location – A Jalisco state park called Bosques de la Primvera. Cristabolite was the result of a third-event calderea formation. Location is on upslope of mountain in park or park itself Rawalt flew to Mexico as “DEA agent” (FBI agents were not allowed in to investigate
Death of a DEA Agent: Enrico Camarena (cont)
While Rawalt was in Mexico searching for the area of burial, FBI was approached about a French consultant, Loic Le Ribault. He was the head petrologist for the French national oil company and was said to be able to do things geologically speaking, that other people couldn’t do. Show him a few grains of sand and he could tell you where they came from
Death of a DEA Agent: Enrico Camarena (cont)
Le Ribault FBI tested him by giving him 3 samples: Ash from Mt. St. Helens Alluvium from river delta in S. Carolina related to recent murder Dirt from girders taken from bomb site in Beirut, Lebanon Ribault’s results: Got location of ash from Mt. St. Helens within a few miles of source River basin in American Southest Bekaa valley in Lebanon – soil had been subjected to explosion
Death of a DEA Agent: Enrico Camarena (cont)
Le Ribault’s contribution to Camarena case Was showed samples from park and body. He said “you are there, but not there”. Right elevation, but these are samples (from park) from an area washing north. The site is an area washing south. Sand deposited by water 4-5 ft. deep in a draw. Slope of draw <10 degrees. Shade predominates. Rawalt found exact location from this data.
Soil and Arsenic poisoning
Washington State Patrol Forensic Geologist Bill Schneck became involved in the investigation into the serious illness of a small child caused by arsenic poisoning. The suspected person was absolved when an examination of the child's house revealed a number of mineral specimens left in the house and the yard by a former occupant who was a mineral collector. Many of those specimens were arsenopyrite, an iron arsenic sulfide. The child had been eating and chewing on the material.
An Early Case: The Father Patrick Heslin Case
In Colma, California on 2 August 1921 a priest, Father Patrick Heslin, was kidnapped and a ransom note was received, but there was no further contact from the kidnapper. The priest's body was found on a local beach by William Hightower, a master baker. However, sand grains found on Hightower's knife and in his room matched the beach sand at the site where the body was found. Hightower was convicted of the murder and sentenced to life imprisonment in San Quentin.
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