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The Shoulder Joint Examination.

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1 The Shoulder Joint Examination

2 Subjective Examination
Age Occupation and sports – overhead activities Site – vague, C5 Spread – large eg below elbow more severe Onset – overuse, trauma, insidious Duration – stages Behaviour – constant, cannot lie on sh. ? Symptoms – dizzyness, p + ns, cough and sneeze PMSH – other joints, diabetes, heart probs, ops etc

3 Inspection Posture – level of sh, csp, thsp, position of scap
Deformity Colour Wasting Swelling State at rest Site of pain

4 Palpation Heat and swelling - rare

5 Cervical Spine - Elimination
Extension with OP Rotation with OP Side Flexion with OP Flexion

6 Active Movements Active elevation with OP
Pain, power, range, end feel and willingness Abduction – painful arc?

7 Passive Movements pain, range and end feel
Lateral Rotation Medial Rotation Abduction – palp scapula to look for early movement CAPSULAR? LR>ABD>MR

8 Resisted Tests pain and power
Abduction - supraspinatus LR – infraspinatus and teres minor MR - subscapularis Elbow Flex - biceps Elbow Ext - triceps Add – pec maj, teres major and lat dorsi

9 Palpation

10 Differentiating Tests
In supine Resisted abd Resisted abd with distraction Resisted LR Resisted LR with distraction

11 Other tests Scarf test – AC, lower fibres of subscap and bursae
Apprehension test – dislocation Neural tension Xray, scan, bloods

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