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Logan Gilleland August 25, 2017

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1 Logan Gilleland August 25, 2017
Mud and Obstacle Races Logan Gilleland August 25, 2017

2 What is a Mud and Obstacle Race?
Mud Race! And not just mud, but a mud run event, where all kinds of people attempt to tackle a military-like obstacle 5k (3.1 miles) course. Obstacle course racing (OCR) is a sport in which a competitor, traveling on foot, must overcome various physical challenges that are in the form of obstacles. Mud and trail runs are combined and the races are designed to result in mental and physical collapse. People do mud races for FUN and to compete for prizes!

3 The Terrain Race The Terrain Race is a 5K which is 3.1 miles.
The participants are sent into the course in heats. the first heat is for the elite competing racers. If they don’t complete a obstacle they are disqualified from winning – even if they finish the course. Racers start by climbing in a tall pool of cold water! They then have to jump out and run the course 12 obstacles like the rings, monkey bars, balance beam, mud pits and climb a cargo net.

4 The Rugged Maniac The Rugged Manic is another type of mud run which is a 5k (3.1miles) but harder! There are 25 obstacles to complete. First, the racers run into the woods to run steep hills and tackle a few obstacles. Then they come out and complete the rest of the obstacles: Pull your weight when you have to pick up a chain drop it Jump over fire Crawl through pipes and under barbed wire in the mud Gong Jump into water At the end of the course there is a warp wall and giant slide!!!

5 At the end of the race At the end of the race, attendees get a metal, snacks and water There is also a Festival with food trucks and a place were you can eat. A DJ plays music Each event also sells “swag” in a tent. Do you know what “swag” means?

6 Thank you!!

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