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Lesson Objective: You will be able to explain Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Objective: You will be able to explain Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Objective: You will be able to explain Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection.

2 The Galapagos Islands:
600 miles off the coast of Ecuador. Many plant and animal species can only be found here! Charles Darwin traveled here for scientific research.

3 If this embedded video does not work, the link is https://www. youtube


5 Charles Darwin: Born in England in 1809.
From 1831 to 1836 he sailed around the globe to study the natural world. Huge influence on the theory of evolution and natural selection.

6 Species: A species is a specific and unique type of animal.

7 Competition: Animals struggle to survive!
Some will get caught by predators, some will starve, and some will not be able to adapt to change! Only some make it to adulthood and are able to breed.

8 Which giraffe is more likely to survive and produce offspring? Why?

9 Whatever, more for me! Help! I’m too short!

10 Natural Selection: A slow and natural process, resulting in the evolution of organisms best adapted to survive in their environment.

11 Which bug is least likely to be eaten? Why?

12 I’m better adapted to my environment!

13 Natural Selection: Only those who are able to adapt to their environment survive!

14 Which moth is more likely to avoid being eaten?

15 Peppered Moth: Majority used to be white.
Overtime, those were easier to be seen on the trees, so predators ate them more. Black moths were more likely to survive to produce offspring. Generations later, most peppered moths are black. "Biston.betularia.f.carbonaria.7209". Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons -

16 Evolution: Over time, natural selection leads to change.
Nature “selects” the characteristics. Traits that help an organism survive spread. Traits that are not helpful die out.

17 Darwin’s Finches: While in the Galapagos, Darwin noticed that different types of finches had very different beaks. Each beak was adapted to the type of food they ate!

18 I eat buds & fruit! I eat seeds! I eat insects! I eat leaves!

19 Which of the following is the best definition of natural selection
Which of the following is the best definition of natural selection? A – A fast process where organisms that can adapt survive. B – A fast process where organisms that cannot adapt survive C – A slow process where organisms that can adapt survive D – A slow process where organisms that cannot adapt survive

20 Which of the following is true
Which of the following is true? A – The black moth is more likely to die out due to natural selection B – The white moth is more likely to die out due to natural selection C – Both will die out D – Both will survive at the same rates

21 How do Darwin’s finches support natural selection
How do Darwin’s finches support natural selection? A – The bird’s beaks adapted to the food source B – The bird’s beaks did not adapt to the food source C – All of the bird’s beaks are the same D – They do not support natural selection

22 True or False? Giraffes with short necks eventually died out because they were not able to survive long enough to produce offspring.

23 Which of the following is a reason the bugs below are likely to evolve to be all green? A – They will end up being brown. B – They blend in to their environment. C – They are smaller. D – They do not have red eyes.

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