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Presentation on theme: "This."— Presentation transcript:

1 This

2 is

3 Jeopardy

4 Fractions Review Comparing Fractions Mixed Questions Fraction Models Equivalent Fractions 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400

5 Use unit fractions to find the sum of the yellow fraction bars.
Fraction Models 100 Look at the bar model: Use unit fractions to find the sum of the yellow fraction bars.

6 What is… ⅓ + ⅓ = ⅔

7 Fraction Models 200 What fraction expresses the model?

8 What is…

9 How many equal parts are there on the number line?
Fraction Models 300 How many equal parts are there on the number line?

10 What are… 4 equal parts

11 Name the unit fraction that makes up the model?
Fraction Models 400 Name the unit fraction that makes up the model?

12 What is…

13 Name two fractions that are equivalent to ½ :
Equivalent Fractions 100  Name two fractions that are equivalent to ½ :

14 What is… 2/4, 3/6, 4/8, 5/10, 6/12, 7/14, 8/16, 9/18, 10/20, etc.

15 Which number line shows a point that is equivalent to 2/6?
Equivalent Fractions 200 Which number line shows a point that is equivalent to 2/6? A B

16 What is… A

17 Which fraction is equivalent to ¾?
Equivalent Fractions 300 Which fraction is equivalent to ¾?

18 What is… 6/8

19 Equivalent Fractions 400 If ⅓ = 2/6, then ⅔ = ?/6

20 What are… 4/6

21 Comparing Fractions 100 ⅜ ⅞ < b. > c. =

22 What is… a. <

23 Which number sentence describes
Comparing Fractions 200 Which number sentence describes the models? 2/6 < ⅔ ⅗ > 3/7 3/5 = 3/7 ⅗ < 3/7

24 What is… B. ⅗ > 3/7

25 Comparing Fractions 300 What symbol makes the number sentence true?
What symbol makes the number sentence true? 2/6 __ 2/3

26 What is…

27 Comparing Fractions 400 What is another way to express 15/3? ⅛ 5 3
What is another way to express 15/3? 5 3 3/15

28 Sight, Sound, Taste, Touch and Smell.
What is… Sight, Sound, Taste, Touch and Smell.

29 Show a model that is equivalent to ⅘
Mixed Questions 100 Show a model that is equivalent to ⅘

30 Anything that shows 8/10, 12/15, 16/20, etc.
What is… Anything that shows 8/10, 12/15, 16/20, etc.

31 Divide the shapes into the equal parts shown:
Mixed Questions 200 Divide the shapes into the equal parts shown: 6 equal parts 2 equal parts

32 What is…

33 Mixed Questions 300 Sara spent 4/6 of an hour cleaning the kitchen. Which 2 fractions equivalent to 4/6? ⅔, ⅝ ⅓, 8/10 8/12, 20/40 ⅔, 8/12

34 What is… D. ⅔, 8/12

35 Mixed Questions 400 Divide the fraction bar into the correct number of equal parts? Six Equal Parts What is the unit fraction?

36 What is… Unit Fraction is 1/6

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