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CrossOver seminar Rust, June, 14th 2006 Ursula Großruck

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1 CrossOver seminar Rust, June, 14th 2006 Ursula Großruck
From Sokrates to LLL CrossOver seminar Rust, June, 14th 2006 Ursula Großruck

2 European Union's action programme for general education
SOCRATES European Union's action programme for general education Aim: to encourage co-operation between all those working in education Two guiding principles: 1. Promotion of Lifelong learning 2. Development of knowledge transfer in Europe

3 SOCRATES Main emphasis is on Combating social exclusion
Promoting equality between women and men Supporting disadvantaged target groups Strengthen the European dimension Enhance less common languages Understanding for other cultures Promote cooperation and mobility in the field of education Encourage innovation

4 Adult Education/ Grundtvig
What is the overall objective of Grundtvig? To encourage the European dimension of life-long learning through enhanced transnational co-operation The action is aimed to improve and facilitate access to learning provisions for people who, at whatever stage of their life, want to acquire new knowledge and skills. Put the adult learner in the centre of the learning process!

5 Adult Education/ Grundtvig
Development of the European dimension of lifelong learning Improvement of educational pathways for adults who want to learn in order to:  Increase their capacity for active citizenship  Increase their employability by upgrading their general skills  Regain access to formal education

6 Main operational aims of the Grundtvig Action:
Promoting the development of concrete products and valid results which will be of use in several participating countries Promoting European cooperation between bodies providing adult education Contributing to improving the quality of teacher training relating to persons involved in the teaching of adults Furthering the debate on lifelong learning and contributing to the dissemination of good practice.

7 Grundtvig 4- Networks The aim of Grundtvig Networks is to strengthen the links between the various actors involved in adult learning, to enable them to co-operate on a more stable basis and to enhance their awareness of the European dimension of education.

8 Grundtvig 4- networks Thematic networks - aim to provide a forum for discussion on key issues, policy shaping and/or research in the area of adult learning. Project networks - aim to provide a basis for continuing contacts between institutions which have participated in projects, and as such contribute to the further dissemination of project results. Other relevant actors can also take part in the network.

9 Grundtvig networks- some examples
PEFETE ( the Pan-European Forum for Education of the Elderly Objectives transfer of knowledge, methods and good practice in senior citizens education develop up trilateral learning partnerships (south-east-west/north Europe) dissemination of knowledge about senior citizens education Outcomes workshop "Basis Principles of Senior Citizens' Education" publication ''Actual Trends in Senior Citizens´ Education", based on country reports and trilateral partnerships workshop "Interactive Learning" focused on how to involve senior citizens in an interactive way in setting up and organising educational activities publication "Involving Senior Citizens´ Initiatives in Learning Processes" workshop ''Train-the-Trainer" about how to develop refreshing and updating training courses for adult educators in working with senior citizens to offer in the Grundtvig 3 catalogue publication "Learning Partnerships" the results of trilateral partnerships and exchange between network partners an informative and interactive website with the possibility to transform in a virtual community

10 Grundtvig networks- some examples (2005)
BE: EQUIPE Plus- European Quality in individualised pathways in education plus DE: NILE 2- Network Intercultural Learning in Europe DE: INFONET Adult Education FR: Former sans exclure II NO: EMMA- European (Network) for Motivational Mathematics for Adults

11 Results of the public consultation
Present experiences Results of the public consultation Programmes should develop language learning, active citizenship and regional aspects Great enthusiasm for the ongoing programmes, but: much to bureaucratic, inflexible and over- complicated Decentralised procedures should be more user-friendly and simpler

12 2. Results of the program- evaluation
Present experiences 2. Results of the program- evaluation Coverage and focus valuable and appropriate with good results, but: not well disseminated Excessive detail in legislation Simplification of financial and contractual procedure More synergy and coherence between actions, programmes and policy

13 Political context- the challenge
Economic changes: Competition, globalization and knowledge-based economy More flexible and demanding labour market Social chances: Demographical development More diverse society & need for social inclusion Wider Europe- a changing EU with new borders

14 Conclusions Continuity Substantial increase of resources
Simplify and make more flexible „integrated programme“ for Lifelong Learning

15 Targets (quantitative)
5% school pupils in Comenius activities 3 million Erasmus students by 2011 Leonardo trainee placements per year by 2013 adult mobilities per year by 2013

16 What´s new? Integrative approach Structure of the programme
Substantial increase of the budget General focus of the programme New actions under the sub- programmes Administrative procedures Quantified targets

17 Transversal Programme
Übergang zum LLLP Lifelonglearning Programme Sokrates 2 Leonardo da Vinci 2 Comenius Erasmus Grundtvig Leonardo da Vinci Comenius Erasmus Transversal Programme Grundtvig Jean Monnet Lingua Minerva Observation/Arion Joint Action Accomp. Measures

18 General aim of LLL „The aim of the new programme is to contribute through lifelong learning to the development of the Community as an advanced knowledge society, with sustainable economic development, more and better jobs and greater social cohesion. It aims to foster interaction, cooperation and mobility between education and training systems within the Community, so that they become a world quality reference.“

19 Specific aims of LLL Personnel aims Economic aims Social aims
Language learning and language diversity Enhancement of quality Exchange of “best-practise”

20 2007 ´European Year of Equal Opportunities for all´

21 2007 „ European Year of Equal Opportunities for all“
Article 6 Treaty of Amsterdam (10/97): „The Union is founded on the principles of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the rule of law, principles which are common to the Member States.“

22 2007 „European Year of Equal Opportunities for all“
Europeans have a right to enjoy equal treatment and a life free of discrimination. Promote equal opportunities in areas from work to healthcare launch a major debate on the benefits of diversity for European societies = show how diversity makes EU stronger

23 2007 „ European Year of Equal Opportunities for all“
4 main objectives : rights: Raising awareness on the right to equality and non-discrimination and on the problem of multiple discrimination representation: Stimulating debate on ways to increase the participation of groups in society which are victims of discrimination and a balanced participation of men and women recognition: facilitating and celebrating diversity and equality respect: Promoting a more cohesive society

24 LLL a preview

25 Events 2007 15 January 2007: 1st formal meeting of Programme Committee
6 February 2007: 1st meeting of new National Agencies 28 February 2007: Publication of call for proposals in the Official Journal ======== (5-6-7) March 2007: Launching Conference in Berlin (DE Presidency) 9 October 2007: Celebration of 20th ERASMUS anniversary in Lisbon (PT Presidency)

26 A prospective time schedule 2007
Favourable Unfavourable LLL Decision November 2006 January 2007 Publication of the call for proposals 28 February 2007 30 April 2007 Starting dates for projects September-November 2007 November 2007-January 2008

27 Revision of financial preview

28 Structure of new programm
Integrated Programme LLL Comenius School education Erasmus Higher education & advanced training Leonardo da Vinci Initial and continuing VET Grundtvig Adult education Transversal programme 3-4 key activities – (Policy development;) Language learning; ICT; Dissemination Jean Monnet programme 3 key activities – Jean Monnet Action; European Institutions; European Associations

29 Grundtvig? Individual mobility of adult education staff
European assistantship (?) Adult learner mobility (?) Partnerships (NA procedure 1) Multilateral projects (NA procedure 2) Multilateral projects (Comm centralised) a) cooperation projects for developing innovation b) large scale innovation projects (?) Networks (Comm centralised) Accompanying measures

30 Some links:
socrates/socrates_en.html index.htm

31 Sokrates Nationalagentur Österreich 
Kontakt Mag. Ursula Großruck Sokrates Nationalagentur Österreich Schreyvogelgasse 2 1010 Wien  +43/1/

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