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Welcome to Tvarožná Lhota!

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1 Welcome to Tvarožná Lhota!
The village of Tvarožná Lhota – a wine producing settlement with the „oskoruše“ (service tree) tradition – is located 5 km from the town of Strážnice in south-eastern Moravia. The total area:1747 ha, altitude 170 – 580 m of the village lies in hilly agricultural countryside at the foothills of the White Carpathians and borders straight on Slovakia. There are 900 inhabitants living in 330 family houses. Informations about villagge provides a website .

2 Comunity development In the flowering village of the several civic associations working in close co-operation with the citizens and the local council for countryside renovation and protection. As part of the Countryside Restoration Programme we take care about soil and landscape restoration, but land- use is in hands of all.

3 Care of landscape The council promotes sustainable management according to plans for the care of protected areas, which is in the form of land-use-planning documentation. The main instrument for doing so was the formation of an Area system of ecological stability. Since 1997 about trees and shrubs consisting of 14 traditional species have been planted along re-established roadways in the form of new wind-breaks. The most extensive outplanting is the reclamation of the 6 ha former wood “Dúbravka” to create a field landscape. In 2004 the Lučina water basin was reconstructed and cleaned as part of the Landscape Restoration Programme and wetland of 0,2 ha in area was created for natural life and breeding of amphibians. Since 2003 there has been regeneration of meadows and traditional orchards.

4 Oskoruše tree has become a symbol - heritage monument - of taking care of traditional tree species not only in our village but in the whole region of Slovácko as well. Moreover, local people have begun to take again an interest in traditional species of fruit and shrubs. They know that those species are beautiful and useful for their fruit and for landscape protection. Since 2003 there has been established visitors´ site at the open-air environment-educational area “Salaš” (sheepfold) Travičná. The Museum of the Service Tree gives education too. Oskoruše tree is symbol of our fight for better nature and protection landscape and against destruction of soil.

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