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Seeing the Doctor Section 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Seeing the Doctor Section 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seeing the Doctor Section 3

2 Seeing the Doctor The Doctor will come in to see you
He or she will want to examine your breasts If you have any questions you can ask the doctor

3 Can I take someone with me ?
You may be able to take a friend, support worker or family member with you You can ask one of the staff if that is ok

4 What happens next? The Doctor will show you your x-rays
He or she will look at and feel your breasts This is ok

5 Why do they need to feel my breast?
The Doctor will look at your x-ray and compare what he or she can feel

6 Why do I need all the tests?
Taking more pictures and having the other tests means the Doctor can get a lot more information Most of the time the Doctors and Nurses can tell if things are ok

7 Can you tell me if I am ok? They may be able to tell you if everything is ok on the same day Sometimes they need to do other tests This may be an ultrasound scan or a biopsy

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