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Sports Medicine Mr. Amshoff Moore Medical Arts

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1 Sports Medicine Mr. Amshoff Moore Medical Arts
Heat Illness Sports Medicine Mr. Amshoff Moore Medical Arts

2 Heat Illness By the end of this session you will be able to:
Differentiate among heat related issues Recognize when someone has heat exhaustion Respond appropriately to someone who has heat related illness

3 Background The body has ways of keeping itself cool
Our bodies create a tremendous amount of heat Heat escapes through the skin and by evaporating sweat (perspiration) Sweat does evaporate quickly, we don’t always realize how hot we are The very young and very old are most susceptible If the body does not cool properly, the person may suffer heat illness

4 Preventing heat related illness
Wear light colored, light weight clothing, use a hat or umbrella Avoid high protein meals in the heat Avoid alcohol and caffeine Drink water or juice continuously Strenuous activity outside should be before 7am or after 6pm Take regular breaks

5 Heat Cramps What is it loss of water and salt from sweating
What you see Brief painful cramps in legs, arms, abdomen occur during or after vigorous exercise

6 Heat Cramps What to do Stop activity Provide a cool place, rest
If alert provide fluids with salt or sugar Gently stretch or massage areas affected for about 20 seconds If no other symptoms of heat illness, resume activity after cramping stops

7 Weatherbug app or Schneider Electric app?
Heat Exhaustion What is it Someone in a hot climate or environment hasn’t been drinking enough fluids Fluid loss causes blood blood flow to slow to vital organs Sweat does not evaporate as it should because of high humidity or too many layers of clothing The body is not cooled properly Heat index? Air you can wear. What it feels like Weatherbug app or Schneider Electric app?

8 Heat Exhaustion What you see Cool, moist, pale or flushed red skin
Heavy sweating Headaches Nausea, vomiting (feeling sick) Dizziness, exhaustion (weakness) Body temp is near normal (tricky) Convert 40 degrees Celsius

9 Heat Exhaustion What you should do
Remove excess clothing (neck, waist, wrists, feet) Move to shaded area or indoors where it is cool and rest (stop activity) Put wet cloth or cool water on skin (flush) Encourage an alert person to sip fluids/ice Lay them down/ elevate feet Monitor vital signs If in doubt call (especially if they refuse water) If left untreated, could become heatstroke which could be fatal

10 Heat Stroke IT IS life-threatening What is it Also know as sunstroke
Body's cooling system quits working body temperature can soar to 41.1 degrees Celsius The worst of the heat illness Can occur when someone is trapped in a hot environment (like a car)

11 Heat Stroke What you see Vomiting Decreased alertness
High body temp, seizure Skin may be red, hot and dry Rapid, weak pulse Rapid, shallow breathing Severe headache Confusion, nausea, loss of consciousness

12 Heat Stroke What to do Call 9-1-1 or seek further help QUICKLY
Move to a cooler place Wrap pressure points with cool rags or ice bags Check breathing patterns while doing this It is likely an IV fluid is needed

13 Ounce of prevention Best way to treat Heat illness is to prevent it

14 Dehydration Occurs when someone loses more fluids than take-in
Our bodies are about 2/3 water Common cause, especially in teens: gastrointestinal illness (vomiting or diarrhea) Can affect physical and mental performance

15 Dehydration (this is often preventable)
1 indicator of dehydration but not an early warning sign is THIRST Other symptoms are: dizzy, lightheaded, dry or sticky mouth, produce less or dark urine When exercising take breaks and drink in intervals of 20 minutes Caffeine is a diuretic so stay away from it Causes you to pee more When to see a doctor Symptoms occur or get worse, monitor urine output, cannot hold down fluids

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