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Mobiles Phones.

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1 Mobiles Phones

2 There Are 4.77 billion of people using a mobile phone around the world. That means that nearly a half of the worldwide population use a mobile device.

3 Some researchers have found out that we spend approximately 4 hours a day, and that we are used to check our devices 85 times a day.

4 4 in 10 mobile phone users check their phone at the night if it wakes them.“Browsing the internet and social media before going to bed overloads the ‘working memory’ of the brain, leading to noisy, thought-filled sleep. That’s one of the reason why three quarters of people in the UK are not getting a good night’s sleep.” Dr. Nerina Ramlakhan

5 In the UK no schools banned mobile phones in 2001
In the UK no schools banned mobile phones in However, in 2007, 50% of schools had banned these devices, and by 2012, this number has increased to 98%.

6 This so used device is very useful
This so used device is very useful. With it, we can connect each other easily. However, we are used to spend a lot of time on its use. This even might cause to us a brain overload or make us don’t sleep well.. DUE TO ITS SO POPULAR USE, AND ITS APPARENTLY “ADDICCION’, SCHOOLS OF UK HAVE DECIDED BAN IT.


8 some people say “yes”!! Teachers are against the mobile phone use during the class or even into the school. They say that this can be distracting and cause disruption . parents fear that this could be a “weapon” against their sons and daughters in the case of ‘cyberbullying’ for example.

9 Some people say ‘no’!!! Students consider that their mobile devices are so useful during the class. LITTLE BY LITTLE THE TECHNOLOGY IS BEING PART OF the student program, so many devices such as computers, screens, or also mobile phones are used as one tool more for lessons development.


11 What do you think about the mobile phone use during the class ?

12 How did we get here?

13 1. Firstly we had to make a mind map of issues that are relevant to the audience

14 2. AFTER WE CREATED 3 mood boards from or mind map
2. AFTER WE CREATED 3 mood boards from or mind map. This 3 mood boards have to communicate topical ideas with pictures. But which I chose was…


16 3. We held a focus group and we got a written feedback on our chosen topic
This is a summary about a feedback accomplished into a group. Everyone participated giving and asking opinions about the questions which will be asked into our Vox Pop Project. I could understand how make really good open questions for Vox Pop, and that generated some new ideas. I changed my questions for ones more open. My old questions were simple, and got easy answers such as ‘yes’ or ‘no’. It was very helpful get opinions from my group. I also could help others in my group giving ideas or opinions.

17 That’s all

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