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Sociology 11/20/98 Get a copy of today’s notes from the front table.

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Presentation on theme: "Sociology 11/20/98 Get a copy of today’s notes from the front table."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sociology 11/20/98 Get a copy of today’s notes from the front table

2 Other Direction vs. Inner Direction
Sociologist: David Riesman Explains how we go from being controlled by others to being controlled by our own conscience

3 Other Direction Other direction – behavior is controlled by exter- nal standards and others’ expectations examples: “Mommy said so” “It’s a rule”

4 Inner Direction Inner Direction: a person no longer does something because they are told to, but because they themselves see the value or merit of the behavior

5 Inner Direction Example of inner direction: A student who does their work NOT because they “will lose points” but because they value learning itself.

6 This is called INTERNALIZATION ...
… the process by which a norm becomes a part of an individual’s personality, thereby conditioning him or her to automatically conform to society’s expectations

7 To put internalization more simply ...
… it means that you follow the norms not because you have to, but because you agree with them.

8 RESOCIALIZATION Characteristics that are learned through socialization can be unlearned, and new characteristics can replace the old.

9 RESOCIALIZATION Resocialization is the reteaching of values, norms, beliefs and behaviors, usually under coersion Driving School

10 Typical Characteristics of Resocialization
changed appearance (uniform, haircut) new identity (name, self concept)

11 Characteristics of Resocialization
degradation ceremony or other rite to break ties with the old ways, the person is stripped of his former identity, is publicly stigmatized, and is then assigned a new identity

12 Characteristics of Resocialization
A good example is the Marine Corps. They shave your head, give you a uniform, and often insult and degrade a new recruit,then they rebuild you into a Marine

13 Resocialization often takes place in Total Institutions ...
… which are institutions that have total control over most or every aspect of a person's life.

14 Resocialization often takes place in Total Institutions ...
Total Institutions are places where large numbers of individuals are cut off from the wider society and lead enclosed, formally administered lives.

15 Resocialization often takes place in Total Institutions ...
Examples: prisons / juvenile halls mental hospitals POW camps Military boot camps

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